Wallstreet gives it's stamp of disapproval to Obama's junkilus bill.

Barack Obama may have the power to make his legions of loyal followers rise to their feet in euphoric celebration, but the magic one doesn't seem to have the power to make the financial markets act the same way. Since November 5th, the stock market has declined by more then two thousand points. I created a new market index to track how the stock market reacts to Obama presidency. The "BOMDI" is short for the "Barack Obama Market Decline Index". The BOMDI is down by 38% since Obama was elected. The day after the election of Obama, the Dow Jones Industrial Average sold off by over 489 points. One would think that the stock market would be up today on the news that Obama was going to sign his junkilus bill right? The stock market sold off by almost 300 points at 297. It looks like the market isn't starry eyed over Obama's con job aka stimulus bill. They're are several obvious reasons why the markets don't like this bill. The most obvious reason is that they know "it WON'T work". Consumer spending is what powers the economy not government spending Two thirds of Gross Domestic Product consists of consumer spending. We are the economy period. Another reason why Wall Street doesn't like this bill is due to the possible inflationary pressure this amount of debt will put on the dollar. When I get a chance I'll post a video of the collapse of the Zimbabwe currency due to massive inflation. The more debt that a country racks up, the weaker the debt makes that countries currency. A country with too much debt usually will have to sell their bonds to investors at a discount plus increase it's interest rates above normal in order to attract investors. That is because the bonds are more riskier due to the massive debt level of the country issuing them. The Obamatrons don't know this nor do they understand this nor care. Many economists know this though, and they won't be sleeping soundly for awhile to come. When the dollar falls, commodity prices will act in an inverse fashion and rise. If the dollar starts to lose it's value thanks to this bill, oil prices will surely rise dramatically. That means that gas prices of last year could be a lasting problem not just a short term speculation event like last year. If gas prices spike to their former levels, this could spell a catastrophic disaster for the U.S Economy. The media isn't going to tell the public what I just said, because they have too much invested in Barry Obama succeeding. If what I said does indeed happen, the media won't be able to shield Obama from his TRUE "legacy".
I hope we can survive the fallout of our arrogant grandstanding Emperor.
I don't want our country to go Bankrupt but if it does happen I want credit to be given where credit is due!
I want my nation to thrive despite Obama!
He's more a celebrity than world leader in short he's all pomp and circumstance!
I say the citizens get more involved in our government to keep them from doing our nation grievous harm!
"Change" is going to be all that is left once this leftist is done.
Do a search for what Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin has said about our economy.
Putin sounds like a conservative.
Chilerkle" I hope we can survive the fallout of our arrogant grandstanding Emperor."
This putz has done more damage in less then 30 days then Bush did in 8 years Chilerkle. At Obama's rate, the dollar will be as worthless as tissue. I pray that I'm wrong. I seriously doubt he will make it to a second term.
Chilerkle "I don't want our country to go Bankrupt but if it does happen I want credit to be given where credit is due!"
Liberals aren't exactly known for displaying "accountability" and having "credibility" Chilerkle. The only way I can see how Obama's reckless spending can be stopped is for Republicans to regain control of congress next year. There is no other way. He's already wanting to spend $75 billion to bailout out home owners that didn't have the background to be able to afford those homes in the first place. On top of that, he will approve another $40 billion to the Chrysler and GM. So that is another $115 billion dollars, and I didn't even include interest.
Chilerkle "I want my nation to thrive despite Obama!"
That happening Chilerkle is like a runner having to jump over a 6 foot wall. It's not happening. Obama is the road block to this economy turning around. The same way the Japanese government prolonged it's recession, Obama is setting the ground work for it to happen here.
Chilerkle "He's more a celebrity than world leader in short he's all pomp and circumstance!"
I like to refer to Obama as a "Mass Marketed Neo Marxist" Chilerkle. Even as President, Obama is still not qualified for the job. His blind mindset on how this country should be makes him extremely dangerous,and we are seeing just how dangerous he is.
Chilerkle "I say the citizens get more involved in our government to keep them from doing our nation grievous harm!"
People tend to become more involved in their government when they personally are impacted negatively because of it Chilerkle. I believe as soon as next year you will see what I mean. Obama has massively overreached, and he and his fellow liberals are going to pay a steep political price.
danhat ""Change" is going to be all that is left once this leftist is done."
Probably more like our dollar will be worth little more then just change danhat.
danhat "Do a search for what Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin has said about our economy.
Putin sounds like a conservative."
I read his comments. How absolutely sad is it that a freaking member of the communist KGB understands more about the economy then the Community Organizer Neo Marxist Barack Obama Danhat? That is actually pretty pathetic on Obama's part.
And now there is serious talk of nationalizing banks, It is amazing Audrey that we as a nation have let this come to pass. The left over the pass 5 or 6 decades, have quietly taken over education, and media, and slowly created a people ripe for the plucking, free of morality, truth, and critical thought.
Good article CB!
I'd like to have you share your thoughts on my blog, conservative brothers have got to stick together.
I think I am going to pass along the Putin comments to my dear [sarc]friend [/sarc], Sherrod Brown.
Then I will ask him how it feels to be to the left of a communist.
Digital Publius "And now there is serious talk of nationalizing banks, It is amazing Audrey that we as a nation have let this come to pass. The left over the pass 5 or 6 decades, have quietly taken over education, and media, and slowly created a people ripe for the plucking, free of morality, truth, and critical thought."
This is what happens when millions of people are dumbed down and made to be dependent on the government. The government has a proven track record of bankrupting everything is touches. Our country is massively in debt not because of it's citizens but because of the morons in Washington. They can run their mouth with great precision, I'll give them that much. This economic mess was created by the government. Digital, what experience does the liars and thieves in Washington have in running banks, health care or car companies? We are in so deep trouble.
Digital Publius "Good article CB!
I'd like to have you share your thoughts on my blog, conservative brothers have got to stick together."
Thanks Digital, you're right. Conservatives have to be united no more so then ever in our country's history.
danhat "I think I am going to pass along the Putin comments to my dear [sarc]friend [/sarc], Sherrod Brown.
Then I will ask him how it feels to be to the left of a communist."
I never thought I would say this in my wildest dreams. I have more respect for an old school member of the KGB then the current President of the United States.
Part of the response from the office of Sherrod Brown:
...We now face the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The federal government has acted to restore confidence in our economy, create jobs, and rebuild our nation’s aging infrastructure. From shrinking retirement funds to high unemployment rates to stagnant wages, Ohioans are facing tremendous economic hardship.
Congress's approach to this economic crisis, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, was designed to be timely, targeted, and temporary. This comprehensive legislation passed in the Senate with my support on February 13, 2009.
One of the fastest and most effective ways to assist Americans in desperate need was to increase funding for safety net programs, such as those for energy assistance, health care, and nutrition. It was also crucial to provide states with the help they need to continue providing necessary services.
First, this, at this point, is NOT the worst economic crisis we have faced. It is a Lie to say so and this is the second response from Brown's office repeating the lie.
If 50%-75% of new jobs are created by small businesses, what have they done to help that segment. They are going to pay for healthcare, energy, build a few roads and bridges - states should be doing this, not the federallies- but I don't see anything he is saying that helps small biz.
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