I've been thinking about this question for awhile now. "
Who really are the traitors and sellouts in the black community"? As a conservative who is black, I hear it often among clueless black and dopey white liberals. I normally just think to myself let them talk themselves to death, and I'll bury them in their own confusion. It always tends to work. Even with me doing so, the question still seems to persist. Abortion is religious to liberals. This is one issue that the left will fight almost to the death in protecting. I heard a story this morning on the radio about the number of black unborn children who are aborted every year nationally, it was sad and sickening to hear. These children were basically snuffed out, because they were deemed a hindrance to the "lifestyle" of their "mother". The loose and do whatever lifestyle that is promoted constantly by liberals in pop culture and society plays a part in this.. Anyways, Margret Sanger was the founder of the abortion mill known as Planned Parenthood. Their name "Planned Parenthood" is an oxymoron actually in their case. Here's a shocking statistic.
78% of Planned Parenthood "clinics" are in minority areas.
Blacks only make up 12% of the American population. So why are such an overwhelming majority of PP clinics located in minority areas? That is a good question isn't it? Margaret Sanger was a racist who believed in eugenics, believing that other races are inferior to whites. She said back in 1939 "
We don't want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the negro population". No doubt the Klan supported her "life's mission". Maybe Obama can nominate Sanger for a Noble Peace prize or something similar.
It's no big secret that the second black president supports killing unborn black babies but of course he would never be called a "sellout" or a "traitor"only blacks who support saving them are, go figure.
Here's a very simple lead along anyone can follow that will lead to the logical conclusion of how abortions actually hurt blacks as a whole. The more black children that are aborted by PP, the fewer blacks are born. The fewer blacks that are born, the less the population of blacks there are. The less the population of blacks there are, the less money black communities will get from the state and federal levels when the census count take place every ten years. Also, those districts that are mostly blacks will have lesser representation in congress due to their population shrinking. As I said before, I tend to think these things through to their logical conclusion. So who are the real sellouts and traitors again? Is it black conservatives who value the lives of unborn black children or is it people like Barack Obama, Margaret Sanger white & blacks who support killing unborn black children? When the facts are laid on the table, the answer is obvious. I'm sure liberals regardless of race are going to read this and are going to try and make the issue about me more so then what I am saying. I know how the game works. I just have one question. It is the same question I stated several times. The question is, "
Why are the overwhelming majority of planned parenthood clinics located in the communities of people who only make up 12% of the population of the United States of America"?