Justice is served and a "dream" lives on.

The ruling yesterday by the Supreme Court in favor of the white New Haven firefighters represents a great day for Civil Rights in America. I can't wrap my mind around how liberals think on the aspects of "equal justice" in America. What they view as "equality" is anything but "equality". In reality, their concept of equality is to discriminate against one group "whites" in favor of another "non whites". It is in essence "robbing from Peter in order to pay Paul". At the end of the day, someone still got robbed. The people that were robbed in the New Haven fire fighter's exam were white firefighters and one Hispanic firefighter. Yesterday in a five to four ruling, The Supreme Court ruled that the City of New Haven Connecticut was wrong in denying the promotion of white firefighters that scored higher then other black firefighters on the promotional exam. Liberals do not see non whites as "equals" in society, especially white liberals. They see blacks and Hispanics as nothing more then "oppressed victims" that some how can't do for themselves without their help. This is the sole purpose why liberal activists "dumb down" tests to begin with. They want to achieve an "equal outcome" by "lowering the bar". I guess in their delusion of good intentions, they can't see that their actions are actually hurting blacks and Hispanics more so then helping them. When the City of New Haven originally threw out the promotion exam because blacks didn't score high enough, that demonstrated what the officials in New Haven thought about the black firefighters in the first place. From a liberal's perspective, they blame the test for being "racist" or "geared towards whites". Normal people would just say that the black firefighters need to "STUDY HARDER SO THEY CAN GET A HIGHER SCORE ON THE NEXT EXAM", Sorry for yelling, but I wanted to make a contrasting point between the two mindsets. If liberals truly believed in the potential of blacks and Hispanics as "individuals" regardless of their race and economic backgrounds, they would be telling them to study harder and apply themselves, but they don't do that. The white firefighters in the New Haven case played by the rules, and they rightfully deserve their promotions. This is a great day for those that still believe that a person should be "judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin".
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Another example of Liberal hypocrisy on race!
Sir, your comments give me hope. This is a well written comment on the ruling. I am in complete agreement with you. I clearly understand we have liberal justices and conservative justices but I am disappointed that more of the liberal justices did not see through this farce and vote with the majority.
Stay in school, study hard while in school, stay out of trouble, stay away from drugs, stay away from the wrong people, work hard, and test hard will put you on the road to being a very competitive and successful person. Why is it so difficult for Justices and everyone else to understand this "natural" concept?
Their existence is hypocrisy Chilerkle. Yesterday Chilerkle, I called my favorite radio host Tom Marr. He talked about the New Haven Supreme Court ruling in great detail. Of course, a few clueless liberal dingbats couldn't understand why Tom was saying that the ruling was a great day for Dr. King's dream. He's right. Liberals are so fake and transparent when they spew their lies of wanting a color blind society. Their actions always contract their actions over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.If liberals truly cared about "equality" when it comes to race, they wouldn't use racial attacks against non whites that aren't liberals.
CB;"a few clueless liberal dingbats couldn't understand why Tom was saying that the ruling was a great day for Dr. King's dream. He's right.".
There you go again....
You should be more honest in your observations Tyrone. I know you've read Dr. Kings writings (if you haven't...YOU SHOULD!). You're allowing the misuse, which is in effect a "hijacking" of Dr. Kings deed's, words, writings and truths.
On "SEVERAL" occasions, and in "MANY" instances, Dr. King called for reparations and government action to improve the lives of Blacks in America.
In Dr. Kings 1964 book, "Why We Can’t Wait", he wrote,
No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law..
So, was Dr. Kings dream "really" realized following the ruling?
The conservative "hijacking" and misuse of of Dr. Kings ideals is disingenuous, if not an outright right-wing stratagem to degrade the Democratic Party's stronghold on the black vote.
The New Have Fire Department employed a "diversity" testing firm to design a "race neutral" test. On the surface this seems odd in that, unlike police and law enforcement, firefighting requires no special interpersonal "street level" skills. Although a Captain or Lieutenant might be called upon for investigations or media conferences, since when is race "neutrality" required to investigate fires or talk to the media?
Moreover, I've yet to hear or read any statements from the Black firefighters. I also read that none of the 18 or so Blacks who took both test's scored in the top ten. That also seems a bit odd also.
Jonathan Young
"Stay in school, study hard while in school, stay out of trouble, stay away from drugs, stay away from the wrong people, work hard, and test hard will put you on the road to being a very competitive and successful person. Why is it so difficult for Justices and everyone else to understand this "natural" concept?
I scratch my head every day trying to figure out why liberals can't comprehend not only a "natural" concept but also a "simple" concept of just hard work, education and focus. There is no accountability under liberalism Jonathan. There always has to be a victim that never contributed to their own circumstances. It must be someone else fault. Liberals never take responsibility for their own actions. I love it when liberals try to blame American society for the reason some blacks don't succeed. They always seem to neglect to mention how Africans come to this country and surpass native born blacks by 10 times. Africans that come to America have a strong work ethic, the will to succeed and ambition. Liberals get tongue tied when those facts are presented to them.
p allen "So, was Dr. Kings dream "really" realized following the ruling?The conservative "hijacking" and misuse of of Dr. Kings ideals is disingenuous, if not an outright right-wing stratagem to degrade the Democratic Party's stronghold on the black vote."
Nobody knows what Dr. King's thoughts would have been on the New Haven case allen. It's pure speculation. Discrimination against whites wasn't exactly the "norm" back during the 60's. So let me ask you a question allen. So you think conservatives are "hijacking" King's message. So do you believe its wrong to judge a person by their character rather then their skin? If you don't think it is wrong, why would you care "if" conservatives believe that truly is what Dr. King meant? Don't you liberals claim you all want a "color blind society"? Or is that just typical liberal double talk?
p allen" The New Have Fire Department employed a "diversity" testing firm to design a "race neutral" test. On the surface this seems odd in that, unlike police and law enforcement, firefighting requires no special interpersonal "street level" skills. Although a Captain or Lieutenant might be called upon for investigations or media conferences, since when is race "neutrality" required to investigate fires or talk to the media?
Street level skills? Maybe I should ask the members of the Baltimore Fire Department what "street level skills" do they apply in fighting fires, just to see how crazy they would at me for asking them such a question. Why should race be a factor in fighting fires period allen? Will the fire go out any easier if the person holding the hose is black or white?
p allen "Moreover, I've yet to hear or read any statements from the Black firefighters. I also read that none of the 18 or so Blacks who took both test's scored in the top ten. That also seems a bit odd also."
Why would you hear any statement from the Black firefighters allen? Were they the ones discriminated against in the case allen? Why is it odd to you that none of the 18 blacks scored in the top ten percent. Let me guess allen, it was a racist conspiracy by "the man" to keep the brothers down perhaps, right? That is like saying that it is odd only a certain percentage of black college students graduate as compared to white students.
p allen "There you go again...."
You do know that Reagan was famous for saying that line allen, right?
Actually Allen, I can go again and again and again, because I'm right in what I say. I know some people can't stand it when the truth is repeated, because they have no counter argument in which to neutralize it,hint hint.
P Allen "You should be more honest in your observations Tyrone. I know you've read Dr. Kings writings (if you haven't...YOU SHOULD!). You're allowing the misuse, which is in effect a "hijacking" of Dr. Kings deed's, words, writings and truths."
Dr. King said those words allen. So either 1. Dr. King was a deceptive Marxist speaking in code or 2. People like you didn't understand what he meant about "equality". So which one is it allen?
p allen" On "SEVERAL" occasions, and in "MANY" instances, Dr. King called for reparations and government action to improve the lives of Blacks in America.
If Dr. King truly believed in reparations allen, then he was definitely wrong. As for him wanting the government to improve the lives of Blacks, if improving the lives meant ending Jim Crow and Black Codes, the I agree with that. Blacks are the only ones that can improve their lives. It is a pipe dream believing that the government can improve anyone's life.
p allen "In Dr. Kings 1964 book, "Why We Can’t Wait", he wrote,
No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law..
I can never be accused of saying that I supported Dr. King on everything he believed in allen. I never said Dr. King was a conservative. Maybe Dr. King's vision of equality was like how you believe it should be or maybe not. Reparations should only be given to those who were "DIRECTLY" impacted or suffered the infliction by the other party.
CB true. Africans come to America and UK and succeed and blacks born in America will not attend school. Those who do succeed. I hear many black kids who put down black kids who excel and those who prefer jail are praised and their parents say my child didnt do that.
When will blacks wake up. Cynthia McKinney is messing with the Israelis again and the Palestians will not allow black muslim men to marry Pali girls. A few months ago they killed an Arab girl who married a black African muslim.
Obama has never sided with black African muslims who are being killed by Arab Muslims, is it because he is really an African Arab like his father. Not one time has he even mentioned how Arab muslims are killing Black African Christians, Muslims, and animist. Not one time.
North Korea will blow us up and Obama will talk to them. Iran will blow up Israel and Obama will blame Jews.
Any religion that wrote it down by their prophet and their allah is evil and according to the Quran he is the DEVIL in Sura 3:54.
Justice is served and a dream lives on. Dr. King didnt really understand Ghandi who was a stone racist. He hated Black Africans in South Africa as Afro-Indians were treated so bad in India and he was sick.
CB;"Nobody knows what Dr. King's thoughts would have been on the New Haven case allen.".
Really? Tell me this... Do you have an inkling notion as to what Ronald Reagan's thoughts would have been?? How about this... Reagan would have been "against" the recent Supreme Court ruling! (nobody knows what his thoughts would have been...right?)
CB;"So do you believe its wrong to judge a person by their character rather then their skin? "
I always judge people by their character. That's the most important part of the person. I never judge people by the color of their skin.
CB;"Why should race be a factor in fighting fires period allen?".
Right!! It shouldn't. That's why I said "firefighting requires no special interpersonal "street level" skills"!!! So why is a so-called "race-neutral" test needed for firefighters? What in the hell is race neutral firefighting????
Who are these people that design and write "race neutral" test's anyway? Is there a staff of race neutral employee's appointed by a race neutral board of directors led by a race neutral of "neutral race" C.E.O.???
CB;"I can never be accused of saying that I supported Dr. King on everything he believed in allen.".
Neither can I! However, when you invoke a historic figures "IDEALS" you can't just randomly knit-pick one sentence or phrase to support your idea or point of view. It's disingenuous and misleading.
Would you ever use these quote/idea/dream?
"As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.".
If your aim in life as a Christian is to fight for truth and justice, then perhaps you should invoke this man's name, or bastardize his legacy to suit your argument.
Here's one that I'm sure that you'll agree...
“Never exalt people because they're in your family; never exalt people because they're your color; never exalt people because they're your kinfolk. Exalt them because they're worthy.”.
Never exalt people because of their color?? A real lesson for those Blacks who "exalt" president Obama...right? In one of your future essay's Tyrone you can say that this man is a source of inspiration for you!!!
No matter how conservatives try to slice it Tyrone, Dr. King believed in, and supported Affirmative Action and Reparations. Hell, he wrote and spoke about both subjects frequently!!! For petes sake man...READ DR. KING'S OWN WRITINGS!!
CB;Dr. King said those words allen. So either 1. Dr. King was a deceptive Marxist speaking in code or 2. People like you didn't understand what he meant about "equality". So which one is it allen?.
Some say he was a communist. Some say he was a plagiarist. Some say he was an adulterer. Some say he was the greatest man that ever lived! What "I'M" saying is that I READ "HIS" WRITINGS, and the writings of those that knew him. What "YOU" should do is READ HIS WRITINGS and answer the question for yourself.
Any person who has read Dr. Kings essays, speeches, books or manifests- would not, and could not fathom the idea that he was against racial quota's. He was an outspoken proponent FOR RACIAL QUOTA'S!
So according to you assertion, you would answer #1...right?
It seems P Anthony Allen though older than me is definitely not wiser than me.
I'm only in my mid-twenties. I don't give out my age online or personal information.
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