Were the remakrs by Dr Carson a potential 2016 death blow? If so then why?
Looks like Dr Ben Carson has had a rough week. For the life of me, I can't really figure out why this big firestorm has errupted. I mean his comments he made on CNN about believing that homosexuality is a choice based on how straight men go to prison and come out gay was his opinion. I don't really see where the "great controversy is in what he said? People on both the left and sadly even the right are attacking him, but was what he said factually inaccurate? The 2016 Presidential campaign season has just begun, yet some are saying that Dr Carson has already ruined his chances to try and win the GOP nomination. Surprisingly some on the right are saying the same thing but why? Sometimes conservatives have a tendency to inflict dumb dumb wounds on themselves. They always wonder how the GOP establishment candidates always seem to win the nomination for the presidency, it's really simple. They stick by their candidates no matter what. With conservatives, it's hee woo throw them overboard at the slightest misstep. With Carson's comment, there really wasn't even a misstep. When Jeb Bush wins the GOP nomination, you'll know how it happened.
Attention! Sarcasm ahead...
Oh nooooo! The GOP and conservatives are throwing Dr. Ben Carson under the bus? Damn, what a shame. I was going to vote for him just because he's a Black man!
(sarcasm off...)
Tyrone, did you really think that Carson had an iota of a chance at competing in a GOP primary, let alone "winning the nomination???" Here, let me give you an excuse to use...
"Dr. Carson was 'Sarah Palin-ed' by the lame-stream-media." He was asked if he read's newspaper articles about homosexuals that he can see from his front porch.
Or you can just blame the "liberals" at CNN! Hell, just blame President Obama like Herman Cain did. "Don't blame me because the first Black President was bad". Attacking a black liberal always scores points with conservatives.
It got to me thinking as to why both there are those on the left and some on the right who threw their support behind Obama during the 2008 presidential run, despite that he hung around with an unapologetic domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, and sat in a church preached by an anti-American, anti-Semitic, racist pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright? So, Dr. Carson gave his opinion about homosexuality as being a choice, suddenly he's condemned for saying it?
Interesting enough, the Left would argue that if you oppose same-sex marriage, you are a homophobe. So, how does that differ earlier in his first campaign, like his predecessors, Obama said that marriage is between a man and a woman, then turns around after he was elected and is in favor of same-sex marriage.
The comments that Dr. Carson said about those who go into prison and turning gay as a choice, maybe he should have elaborated of the the reports of inmates being raped or getting into a "intimate" relationship against whether it's consensual or against their will with other inmates and are used as slaves. In many cases, a partner who penetrates another sexually is not considered homosexual among fellow inmates, and the receptive partner (who may or may not be consenting) is called a "woman" or "bitch", and is regarded as being homosexual, even when he is not.
As the old saying goes, "Don't drop the soap!"
I just had a chance to listen to the video commentary attached to this essay. And frankly, you're right. Commenting about homosexuality shouldn't be a big issue. Everyone has their own opinions about homosexuality. Some people believe it's genetic, some believe it's a defect of birth, some believe it's social or environmental influences, and some believe its a choice. One's "opinion" on the subject is really no big deal.
However... ( I bet you knew that was coming) It's "what" Carson said about how the so-called "CHOICE" is made. Carson said that a person having homosexual relations in "prison", and after leaving prison, leads them to make that CHOICE. Mind you, I've never been to prison and surely don't ever want to go. I know quite a few men that have been to prison. I've been told that most of the men who are having homosexual sex behind bars are "lifers" who often rape their victims. And any other consensual sex in prison are those who were homosexual before they were locked up.
However again, of all the straight men I know that have been to prison, I don't know of "ONE" who have said that they "WANTED" (ie; made a choice) to have sex with another man while locked up, or when they go out.
That's what I think has cause the stir about Carson's comments. An open-ended comment about homosexuals is really no big deal. But when you attempt to attach a hair-brained psychology to an individuals actions you tend to look "homophobic", or in his case, stupid.
It's kind of like the conservative that was asked about rape and abortion. I wonder if there's such a thing a "legitimate homosexuality?" Or does the body have a way of "shutting that down" also?
Here we go again: another case of a white police officer shooting an unarmed black teenager in Madison, Wisconsin. And the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot!" and "I Can't Breathe!" crowd is raising a fuss.
When I first read what Ben Carson said, it said to me that prison is ONE OF the ways or reasons that people CHOOSE to be homosexual. I agreed and had no problem with Carson's statement.
At HuffPost I just read a headline next to a picture of Carson, saying, “Does prison make people gay?” That is twisting and lying about what Carson said. The lapdog media is smearing Carson, because they hate and fear a smart black conservative. They will smear also any female or minority real conservative.
However, Carson has gone down one notch on my list. Not because of what he first said, but because of his retreating apology. I read “America The Beautiful” by Carson, and was impressed with his life story and about 90% of his views. But in this bloodsport of politics, I wonder if Carson is “too nice” or “too soft.” A conservative to get to the White House must be proven thick skin and hard boiled, like Gov. Scott Walker who stood up to unions in Wisconsin.
George W. Bush, even though he seemed like a brain-damaged stammerer who could not speak a concise sentence, nevertheless he was elected twice, because he was decisive and he did not second guess his decisions. This is where Carson has stumbled.
Long ago I left behind and ignored the “Hillary and Benghazi” issue. However, the current “Hillary and Her Emails” is a much broader security issue. Who did she email and what did she say, as Secretary of State? If unofficial private servers were used it is a national security issue (e.g., jihadist hackers and burglars), and also another overall ethics issue for her.
" He is the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the head."
He certainly knows more than me. Some people say, does it show he is genius, very intelligent but as far as common sense goes, maybe he falters? Ever consider he could be right?
p allen"Oh nooooo! The GOP and conservatives are throwing Dr. Ben Carson under the bus? Damn, what a shame. I was going to vote for him just because he's a Black man!
(sarcasm off...)"
Oh allen, you and your "attempt" at being witty. Give yourself your typical self high five on that one.
It had to be an attempt at sarcasm, becuase you know how liberals think about blacks who don't "know their role" in regards to party affiliation or ideology. They don't consider Dr. Benjamin Carson a "real black person". You know what I mean ;-)
p allen "Tyrone, did you really think that Carson had an iota of a chance at competing in a GOP primary, let alone "winning the nomination???" Here, let me give you an excuse to use..."
Who would have thought that a political nobody like Barack Obama who was 3 years removed from being a State Senator from Illinois would have had a chance against HIllary Clinton? Did you truly forget that? As for Dr Carson, frankly I have no idea what his chances are. I found it interesting that his poll numbers haven't suffered from his "misstep" on CNN While some establishment sheeple and some conservative commentators think doomed himself, apparently his grassroots and other social conservatives don't feel the same way. Though Dr Carson isn't my candidate, I am glad to see there hasn't been no real damage to his image. The GOP debates are going to determine whether Dr Carson is a ready or not not some set up questions on CNN.
P Allen "
"Dr. Carson was 'Sarah Palin-ed' by the lame-stream-media." He was asked if he read's newspaper articles about homosexuals that he can see from his front porch."
lol, actually you are half right but not totally. The one weakness of Dr Carson is clearly that he is not a politically astute conservative. If I was Dr Carson, and CNN invited me on there, I would have know in my mind that the only reason they are inviting me is to go after me on a social issue question in order to try and damage my support among my base. Dr. Carson is politically naive. I know you remember when DL Hughly invited Michael Steele on his show the day after Rush Limbaugh gave his speech a CPAC. It didn't take a rocket scientists who majored in political science to realize that the only reason Hughly invited Steele who as just elected chairman of the GOP was to set him up in attacking Rush Limbaugh, and Steele took the bait hook line and sinker. Conservatives want a candidate they feel can read the media and not fall into traps like that. On that party Dr Carson failed obviously.
-BP " It got to me thinking as to why both there are those on the left and some on the right who threw their support behind Obama during the 2008 presidential run, despite that he hung around with an unapologetic domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, and sat in a church preached by an anti-American, anti-Semitic, racist pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright? So, Dr. Carson gave his opinion about homosexuality as being a choice, suddenly he's condemned for saying it? "
Are you sensing an enormous double stand BP? Yep so am I can backtrack all the misque comments Obama made from the time he announced his candidacy to all through the 2008 campaign, the media said nothing. All I heard from the media is how John McCain was too old, doesn't us Email and that Sarah Palin is Satan's ditzy daughter. The right actually vetted Obama and knew everything about this guy, yet the media said nothing other then to attack those who did to their research on Obama and those who broadcasted it. If the average Obamatron was asked to name the two books Obama wrote, they couldn't name them. Hell most of them couldn't even give the name of Obama's mother nor father. The media had a vested interest in Obama and they protected him and got him across the finish line.
Dr Carson on the other hand. Hah, um right skin color but wrong political party affiliation gets him the inspector 9 full body political cavity search with a stern evil look from the media.
CB;"Who would have thought that a political nobody like Barack Obama who was 3 years removed from being a State Senator from Illinois would have had a chance against HIllary Clinton?".
Ahhhh.... yeah! By the 2008 election Senator Obama was sending tingles up a prominent left wing commentator and pundits leg. Whereas Carson is sending "the dumbest thing ever" signals to a prominent right-wing commentator and pundit.
In 2005, 06 and 07, Senator Obama was wowing audiences across the country. For the past two years Carson has been apologizing for every "dumb" comment he makes.
In his early political years, Barack Obama spent his time community organizing (yep, that's right community organizing, it's a noble cause and there's nothing wrong with it...). He spent time campaigning for office, shaking hands, schmoozing other politicians, and getting elected to state and national office. Whereas Carson went to medical school, and became a brilliant surgeon (extremely honorable achievement). However, his ascension into politics (national politics) came on the back of making "negative" comments at a White Hose event. He's never ran, nor held a public office.
He doesn't appear to have any personable or "people skills." So he wouldn't be an effective "community organizer." He probably could organize his sock drawer. He's hasn't built a constituency among other Republican politicians due to his constant "verbal gaffs." It almost seems like Carson is spouting off negative comments and right-wing utterances just to see what gets him the most support.
Way more Democrats saw political potential in Barack Obama than Republicans see in Dr. Carson. So who would have thought (or would think) that a "nobody" like Ben Carson would have a chance against "any" other GOP candidate? I guess you're pretty much alone on this one Tyrone....
This makes Carson the only person in politics even willing to speak honestly about this topic, whether he's right or wrong. Everyone else is self-censoring like mad. Since Carson isn't willing to toe the line, he could make a useful contribution to the entire discourse - just by demonstrating the contrast between his honesty and everyone else's hypocrisy. Maybe this is what he's actually up to.
anonymous said "Here we go again: another case of a white police officer shooting an unarmed black teenager in Madison, Wisconsin. And the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot!" and "I Can't Breathe!" crowd is raising a fuss."
I heard about that. Well if the shooter was black, then they would care less and it would be business as usual. Remember, in their minds a black life only matters in the rare cases when the shooter is white as a police officer.
Indigo "When I first read what Ben Carson said, it said to me that prison is ONE OF the ways or reasons that people CHOOSE to be homosexual. I agreed and had no problem with Carson's statement."
I didnt' even really give Dr Carson's opinions on the issue that much thought. Indigo, you and I know Dr Carson is going to be wrong on the issue simply because he's a black conservative running for the GOP nomination for president. Obama has been outed as lying to gays that he supports gay marriage. He only said it for political reasons to get their votes, but you notice the media nor gay groups are going after him, because Obama is a good black (liberal, Democrat) Dr Carson on the other hand (bad, traitorous, black).
TC " He is the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the head."
Good luck seeing Dr Benjamin Carson talked about by liberal teachers in school during black history month, that's not going to happen!!lol He's never talked about as a role model, these days those roles are reserved for the reality tv show star or famous gangsta rapper who's a progressive and loyal Democrat.
CB;"Good luck seeing Dr Benjamin Carson talked about by liberal teachers in school during black history month, that's not going to happen!!lol He's never talked about as a role model".
Complete foolishness Tyrone. I remember in 2008 you attacked black children at an elementary school for an effort to change the name of their school to Barack Obama. Now you're attacking liberal's (presumably black liberal) teachers because you want to "politically scandalize" blacks even more!
The accomplishments of Ben Carson is taught to black students all over the country. Teaching children about Dr. Carson's accomplishments has nothing to do with politics. Most black school age children don't even pay attention to the scripted POLITICAL ideology of "left and right wing" politics, let alone knows how politics affects them, or even how it works.
If a black kid watch's the BET Network, he or she can see learn about Dr. Carson during Black History Month.
Carson is from Detroit. What city could be more "liberal" than the City of Detroit? Why would a liberal school system build a school and name it in honor of someone that they wouldn't even teach about?. I personally know four teachers at Carson, and they're all "LIBERALS."
Dr. Carson's accomplishments has nothing to do with politics, nor political ideology. He's a medical surgeon, and a very brilliant one. Therefore I don't judge him based upon his brilliance as a surgeon. His story, efforts and accomplishments should be taught all over the world. However, a brilliant surgeon can say something on the social level that's politically stupid, just as a brilliant politician can say something medically stupid.
Tyrone I think that you are a politically astute and socially opinionated person. But far to often you say (write) things that are completely "socially" stupid. No teacher that I know, conservative or liberal, would ever think not teach children about Albert Eisenstein because of his political views.
If some liberal classroom teacher does or says something you believe is stupid, sure, he's fair game to attack with your criticism. But you're not doing that in this case. You've created and dreamed up a false issue just so that you can attack it. That makes it appear as though you don't have much to criticize in the first place.
The reason why Carson got nailed is simple: He was wrong. A brain surgeon, of all people.
Since 1991 there’s been a steady accumulation of evidence that sexuality -- like eye color, nose size, blood type and more -- is baked in long before birth.
None of us choose our genetics or birth order or ear structure, and none of us choose our sexuality either.
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