Ever heard of an intellectual free thinking lemming? Good luck in finding one. Blacks have wasted their political capital. The Democrat Party doesn't feel they have to work for the black vote, they EXPECT IT or else. There lies the problem with a racial group giving unfounded loyalty towards a political party that doesn't deserve it.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
The modern day civil war against the Confederate Flag
I am neither a supporter nor a hater of the Confederate flag, but I am amazed at the knee jerk reactions of people Republican and Democrat who are calling for it's removal since the mass shooting at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston. The Confederate flag became scapegoat enemy number one merely, because the shooter Dylan Roof was seen in a picture holding the flag. I truly believe all of this is nothing more then a distraction, because the Confederate flag wasn't the cause of what happened in Charleston. If Dylan Roof was seen in the picture holding an American Flag instead, would there still be this knee jerk frantic action to call for it's removal also? I've heard the argument by some who claim that the Confederate flag is a symbol of "racism and division", however there are just as many people in America especially on the left who would say the exact same thing and have about the American Flag. I believe the issue for the Confederate flag's removal should be left exclusively to the people who live in the states where the flag flies at the state houses and public buildings.
CB; (from your video): "The left is gong to use the confederate flag as an excuse to get rid of everything else they want to get rid of. Example, the Washington Redskins. They've been trying to get rid of the Redskin's name for years. And TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS. Just like they say the confederate flag is a symbol of hatred and division, so is the name of the Redskins. ITS COMING!".
Equating the confederate flag with other so-called offensive symbols and sports logos is nothing new. So, as usual, you're a day late and a dollar short. But if you really what to be viewed as some sort of guru, instead of trying to predict what "will" happen, try to predict "when" something will happen. Try predicting when blacks will wake up to the fact that neither liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans, Libertarians, Socialists, or all the political crap that keeps "them controlling us", doesn't work for black Americans. Tell me when that's going to happen....
There are reasons why some want to keep the confederate banner unfurled.
Read Thomas Sowell's “Black Rednecks And White Liberals” where Sowell explains that some of what is distinctive about white – and thus black - southern culture, is rooted in the whites who settled there coming from the very lowest class of whites in Great Britain. Those English whites were known for loud talk and music, drinking alcohol, promiscuous sex, flambouyant and pentecostal type speaking. Sowell traces how this culture infused black African slaves in the south, and then when those blacks moved north, to the northern urban ghettos where it still resides today. Sowell posits that the reason why many blacks cannot break free from their anti-education defective culture, is that such efforts to break free from it, is hindered by white liberals. Oh, irony of ironies, blacks acting like rednecks and voting democrat!
But it is not just many blacks who need to break free. White liberals also use as a heavy weight of leverage, the “racist, redneck hick, flyover country” stereotyped white “conservatives”, to keep blacks voting for democrats and their liberal policies. Part of the answer is for many whites – and blacks – to stop being backwards looking, reclaim their dignity, break free from the stereotypes, while also exposing the liberal machinists as the destructive force that they have been. Conservatives need to quit playing checkers when the liberals are playing chess, and everyone better know that the checkmate belongs to God.
Some things do not need to be conserved. Whatever is the “conservative party line” on this, I could care less. It is time for Americans to face that much about “the good ole' days” were not, and to face the future with truth.
It wasn't until the mid or late 1990s that I became aware of the term "political correctness". I have to ask, why are they complaining now? I guess it had to do that somebody, or some group had to point out something that they deemed "offensive" that they convince others to jump on their bandwagon. Well, it's offensive now to them, because the people who brought it up said it was offensive. Before they jumped on the PC bandwagon, did they ever thought that any image or event was ever offensive to begin with? Did they ever complained about the General Lee on "The Dukes of Hazzard"? How about the flag being emblazoned in the name of Lynard Skynard? Far as I'm concerned, people who say that they are offended, were never offended to begin with. They are just people with a low self-esteem and have nothing better to do than to bring people down to their level.
Off and on that the Confederate battle flag has come under attack. Whether you approve of the flag or not, Hillary Clinton said that the flag should not fly anywhere because it represents slavery, racism and oppression. Where was her outrage while her husband as governor of Arkansas signed Act 116 that among any other provisions, that the blue star above ARKANSAS on the state flag is to commemorate the Confederate States of America? Where was her's and black voters outrage when during both of his presidential campaigns pins were printed CLINTON/GORE 1992 with the Confederate flag on them? Hypocrisy at its best.
Sadly, Black Americans are taught in school that the Northern War of Aggression was all about slavery. I had family in that war, yes, Confederates. My grandmother's grandfather fought because Yankees attacked him. He told her that. Our family were just farmers. No slaves. The majority of White people did NOT have slaves. That battle flag meant States' rights and independence from a government that no longer represented the Southern states. There were Black Confederate soldiers too.
Remember when Clarence Thomas said he experienced Southern segregation first-hand, but the worst racism he ever encountered was in the liberal North.
They called the Southerners "Johnny Reb" -- well, with the Federal Govt taking more and more powers for itself, couldn't we use a little rebellion? And if the PC Thought Police are going to ban the flag, it becomes more of a REBEL symbol than ever before.
You are so right, Tyrone, the flag didn't kill anyone. A crazy, misguided young man on some sort of prescription drug did. I read his manifesto finally. It's true there is a lot of Black on White crime. But gunning down helpless churchgoers did NOT prove that point at all. In fact, it fed into the narrative that "evil Whites are killing Blacks. White racism is the cause of violence against Blacks."
A 150-year-old battle flag is not the enemy of Black people. Our sick modern society is the enemy of ALL people. The PC crowd making such a fuss over the flag is another distraction from the real issues.
The Confederacy lost the war so I don't get why that flag is even in existence much less flying over state ground, we have one flag here in the United States, but as you say if they want to fly it, as long as they don't break any laws, have at it. What gets me is that it is, as you say, another perfect distraction for the Left when there are so many more important things on the table. This lone child, a coward who went to a place with unarmed innocents, is representative of nothing. That won't stop the Regressive Progressives from making hay with it though.
And did I hear correctly that a justice on The Supreme Court said Whites are unconsciously born prejudicial? Things be getting hot for me in this country.
While the mainstream are using Confederate flag as the scapegoat that led up to the Charleston shooting, what many never knew, or bother to report that the slain pastor and state senator Clements Pinckney, who was a Democrat, that back in May 2000, he voted in favor of H5028, the compromise which placed the flag in its current location.
H5208 related to placement to the United States flag, the South Carolina state flag, South Carolina infantry battle flag, and the Confederate States of America. Pinckney's name was among the 93 yeas.
p allen said "Damn Tyrone, you're a modern day Nostradamus, a regular prophetic soothsayer or somethin'! Folks are already comparing the confederate flag to the Washington Redskin's logo and the swastika. Only one problem though with your mystic powers of divination. That story is two years old..."
Thank you for the sarcastic compliment but I will take it, thank you. I know liberals like I know the back of my hand you liberals rarely prove me wrong. The same way liberals used the black civil rights movement as prop to advocate for gay marriage, amnesty for illegal aliens is just one example of how liberals will use a cause for one thing in order to try and create an off shot connection in attempt to use that cause to promote something else. Now that I think about, I was proven right. When I wrote the story the night the Emmanuel AME Church shooting happened. I said that the left would use that tragedy to attack Republicans(which they have)Fox News(which they have)the NRA(which they have). The only thing I left out was that they would attack the confederate flag, I said they were going to attack the tea party again (which they did). I'm not bragging but it is what it is. If what I said about who would be blamed for the shooting please correct me then allen.
p allen "Equating the confederate flag with other so-called offensive symbols and sports logos is nothing new. So, as usual, you're a day late and a dollar short. But if you really what to be viewed as some sort of guru, instead of trying to predict what "will" happen, try to predict "when" something will happen. Try predicting when blacks will wake up to the fact that neither liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans, Libertarians, Socialists, or all the political crap that keeps "them controlling us", doesn't work for black Americans. Tell me when that's going to happen...."
The confederate battle flag is only offensive to "those who choose to be offended by it". It's that simple. Why am I not offended by it? Prior toe the shootings in South Carolina, hardly anyone gave a dam one way or another about the confederate flag other then those it represented. The stereotype came into play by those who think that every person who supports the confederate flag is a racist, and isn't the case. I personally know a person from South Carolina who is white and is a huge supporter of the confederate flag and he doesn't have a racist bone in his body. There are and were black people who supported and flew the confederate flag and the confederate battle flag. I have another friend who is white and is married to a black woman. He does the civil war reenactment, and he could educate a lot of people on the history of the confederacy and the various confederate flags.
p allen said "Equating the confederate flag with other so-called offensive symbols and sports logos is nothing new. So, as usual, you're a day late and a dollar short. But if you really what to be viewed as some sort of guru, instead of trying to predict what "will" happen, try to predict "when" something will happen. Try predicting when blacks will wake up to the fact that neither liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans, Libertarians, Socialists, or all the political crap that keeps "them controlling us", doesn't work for black Americans. Tell me when that's going to happen..."
It's nothing new to "whom" though allen? It's not conservatives nor libertarians who constantly keep making these comparisons, it's liberals who keep doing it, like a dog frantically digging in a hole to find a buried bone. Most Americans can care less about the name of sports teams, all they care about is that their team wins. I'm in that category thankfully.As for black waking up, they aren't. As I look back when I created the name of this blog, I realize how after all this time in a mocking sarcastic laugh just how much of a joke it was. Let me put it like this, the day most blacks wake up to how the political system has played them, and they actually voice their disdain will be the day I start regrowing hair, lol. So I pretty much am confident in what I say on that.
Indigo said... There are reasons why some want to keep the confederate banner unfurled. Read Thomas Sowell's “Black Rednecks And White Liberals” where Sowell explains that some of what is distinctive about white – and thus black - southern culture, is rooted in the whites who settled there coming from the very lowest class of whites in Great Britain. Those English whites were known for loud talk and music, drinking alcohol, promiscuous sex, flambouyant and pentecostal type speaking. Sowell traces how this culture infused black African slaves in the south, and then when those blacks moved north, to the northern urban ghettos where it still resides today. Sowell posits that the reason why many blacks cannot break free from their anti-education defective culture, is that such efforts to break free from it, is hindered by white liberals. Oh, irony of ironies, blacks acting like rednecks and voting democrat!
I've been meaning to get that book for the longest time. I'll get it on Amazon next week and finally read it. I've heard liberals tell me and other blacks that it is hard for a black man to succeed in this country. It's amusing how when I tell white liberals how come I made it, they just say "I lucky", yet they can never tell me how. That's why they call me "uppity", because I am way to smart in being able to see through their BS oppression spew, and they can't accept it. Nothing like the invisible shackles of progressive black oppression. Liberal have been telling blacks for 50 years that the cards are inherently stacked against them. So blacks say to themselves what's the use in even trying. It's a racist country, the republicans, the tea party etc etc etc are out to get me, but the Democrats and those good white liberals will always have my back(but it never turns out that way) imagine that.
Indigo said "But it is not just many blacks who need to break free. White liberals also use as a heavy weight of leverage, the “racist, redneck hick, flyover country” stereotyped white “conservatives”, to keep blacks voting for democrats and their liberal policies. Part of the answer is for many whites – and blacks – to stop being backwards looking, reclaim their dignity, break free from the stereotypes, while also exposing the liberal machinists as the destructive force that they have been. Conservatives need to quit playing checkers when the liberals are playing chess, and everyone better know that the checkmate belongs to God"
Of course they are backwards thinking, literally. Liberals seem to only live for certain periods in American history which centers mainly from their hatered for the founding of the nation through to the time of the Civil Rights movement. They refuse to move beyond 1965. For example, Three weeks Hillary Clinton was in Texas speaking at Texas Southern University which is a predominantly black university.Of all the topics she could have given a speech to the audience on such how having an education can left blacks out of poverty and how important it is to have a highly trained black workforce for the 21st century etc, nah, Her speech was about "Voter ID" Laws and claiming that blacks are being denied the ability to vote because they are black. The same old victim hood spew election cycle after election cycle.
Miss Marty; "Sadly, Black Americans are taught in school that the Northern War of Aggression was all about slavery".
War of Northern Aggression? So without the "aggression" of the Northern states, where would blacks be, and what would they be taught today? Remember to bear in mind that several Southern states had identified themselves as "slave-holding states" in their Ordinances of Secession. Also bear in mind that the South was governed by "racist Democrats." The same Democrats that formed the KKK after the Civi.... ooopps, I mean the "War of Northern Aggression." If the South had won the war do you think that the very very very rich slave holders, many of whom were elected politicians and Army Generals, do you believe they would have just set those slaves free?
BP said "It wasn't until the mid or late 1990s that I became aware of the term "political correctness". I have to ask, why are they complaining now? I guess it had to do that somebody, or some group had to point out something that they deemed "offensive" that they convince others to jump on their bandwagon. Well, it's offensive now to them, because the people who brought it up said it was offensive. Before they jumped on the PC bandwagon, did they ever thought that any image or event was ever offensive to begin with? Did they ever complained about the General Lee on "The Dukes of Hazzard"? How about the flag being emblazoned in the name of Lynard Skynard? Far as I'm concerned, people who say that they are offended, were never offended to begin with. They are just people with a low self-esteem and have nothing better to do than to bring people down to their level."
Lynard Skynard will more then likely be next or in the progressive pipeline. Hell, their song Sweet Home Alabama might might be deemed racist somehow, because it references Alabama. Things have gotten so absurd that now people can't even buy confederate flags at historic Gettysburg of all places! TV Land has just announced that will no longer air the Dukes of Hazard reruns. Again, this is how stupid people have become. People normally watch TV Land, because they grew up watching the classic TV shows like the Dukes of Hazard. From the very first episode to it's last, people did not have a problem with the General Lee nor it having a confederate battle flag on it until 30 years later!! As for Gettysburg, I guess by them removing the confederate flag, what are they going to tell tourists now, the North fought an unidentifiable force from the south? It's pure lunacy which is political correctness. Political Correctness is warped logic wrapped in stupidity in an effort not to "offend" oversensitive people. I personally hope that many small mom and pop retailers and websites continue to sell the confederate flags just for the sole sake of sticking two fingers in the eyes of political correctness.
Miss Marty "Sadly, Black Americans are taught in school that the Northern War of Aggression was all about slavery. I had family in that war, yes, Confederates. My grandmother's grandfather fought because Yankees attacked him. He told her that. Our family were just farmers. No slaves. The majority of White people did NOT have slaves. That battle flag meant States' rights and independence from a government that no longer represented the Southern states. There were Black Confederate soldiers too."
Most black Americans do not know American history at all. I can create a fictional character out of thin air and ask blacks do they support this fictional character freeing the slaves, and they will agree yes. You're right Miss Marty, everyone who fought for the confederacy had different reasons for doing so, it wasn't because they were all slave owners and wanted to preserve slavery in the south. The families who owned slaves in the south were wealthy land owners who could afford to own them. Progressive logic would have people believe that everybody who lived in the south during the confederacy were rich and all lived on plantation estates. That wasn't the case. There were white farmers wand white farm hands who didn't own slaves. They also seem to forget that there were whites who lived under the confederacy who helped to free slaves and were just a proud of their southern roots and wanted nothing to do with the North.
Miss Marty said "Remember when Clarence Thomas said he experienced Southern segregation first-hand, but the worst racism he ever encountered was in the liberal North."
Of course. At least with a true racist, you know where that person stands. Liberals will pretend to to support blacks "as long as they know their role" voting loyalty wise. For all the talk by the left about the south being racist, they ignore the fact that one of the most racist cities in the north is good ol liberal Boston.
Miss Marty said "You are so right, Tyrone, the flag didn't kill anyone. A crazy, misguided young man on some sort of prescription drug did. I read his manifesto finally. It's true there is a lot of Black on White crime. But gunning down helpless churchgoers did NOT prove that point at all. In fact, it fed into the narrative that "evil Whites are killing Blacks. White racism is the cause of violence against Blacks."
Look at all the recent mass murderers over the past 5 years. These people murdered others not because of race, but because they were simply mentally nuts! There are many racists in America who haven't killed any one of another race they don't like. Leftists always want to ignore the mental state of the mass shooters and the psychopathic drugs they were taking and instead focus on the irrelevant such as the gun or in this case a "flag". I've laid off posting stories of black on white attacks just because other stories of interest came up, but I will start posting them again to bring balance that racism isn't just a one way street that is solely occupied by whites.
CB;"Leftists always want to ignore the mental state of the mass shooters and the psychopathic drugs they were taking and instead focus on the irrelevant such as the gun or in this case a "flag".
Yeah, sure right... Leftist always blame the "irrelevant" weapon when people use weapons to kill. Leftest never blame the self induced psychosis these killers are experiencing. As with the Boston Marathon Bombers, leftest want to blame "the bomb", and ignore the hate filled radical Islamic induced psychosis. Leftest blamed "the bomb" for Timothy McVeigh's psychosis.
CB;"I've laid off posting stories of black on white attacks just because other stories of interest came up, but I will start posting them again to bring balance that racism isn't just a one way street that is solely occupied by whites".
Black on white attacks? Simple explanation... Self induced psychosis! We all know that drugs of all types are pervasive in black communities. Gotta be the drugs....right?
When blacks attacks whites its racism, even if they don't admit it racism. Yet a white man can shoot and kill 9 innocent blacks in a church, and its drug induced psychosis, even though he ADMITS his racist intent? The fact is that there is an element of psychosis that exists within the act of homicide. But political pundits and hacks attempt to use tragedies, any tragedy to forward their political agenda's.
Here's the non-political induced facts about homicidal acts. Guns really done kill people. BULLETS DO! Bombs don't kill people either. THE EXPLOSION DOES!
As you mentioned in your video Tyrone, that Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos is a hypocrite. No longer selling the Confederate battle flag, but continues to sell Nazi memorabilia. It came to my attention, that Wal-Mart will no longer sell merchandises featuring the Confederate flag, but they're continuing to sell merchandises featuring the image of Che Guevara, an anti-American, communist, racist thug and a mass murderer! I'm trying to find the differences here. Just like they discontinued to sponsor Paula Deen's cooking show and stop selling her cookware because she admitted when she was younger, she used racial epithets. Yet, I wonder when they will stop selling hip-hop CDs?
CB-"TV Land has just announced that they will no longer air the Dukes of Hazzard reruns. Again, this how stupid people have become."
John Schneider who played Bo Duke has a lot of choice words to say about TV Land. I don't know if they sell them, but should Wal-Mart should stop selling Gold's Gym merchandise? Because Schneider tweeted an image of Dylan Roof who was clad in a Gold's Gym shirt while burning an American flag. Should Gold's Gym logo be a symbol of racism? To be fair, the KKK never waved a Gold's Gym banner while instigating a lynching. Anyway, I don't have TV Land and I remember watching "Dukes of Hazzard" when it was still on the air; namely because I had a crush on Daisy Duke (who hasn't) and Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane made me laugh. If TV Land, and other syndicated television station are no longer going to air reruns of "The Dukes of Hazzard", what's next, are they going to stop airing reruns of "Hogan's Heroes" because it takes place in a Nazi POW camp? What about "All In the Family" and its spinoff "The Jefferson's" because Archie Bunker and George Jefferson were both bigots? What about "F-Troop", because stereotypes Indians?
As you mentioned too Tyrone, will the name "General Lee" and other Confederate icons be censored? While they are saying that the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism and slavery, lately, I've been reading reports that Confederate monuments are being vandalized. Whomever is doing these vandalism, they are no better than those who vandalize monuments and statues of known Civil Rights icons. There's talks about renaming towns, roads, schools, bridges parks and monuments in reference to known Confederate soldiers. Maybe we should do the same thing by renaming our nation's capitol, the state of Washington, and take George Washington's face off the dollar bill and the quarter because he too owned slaves. Take Thomas Jefferson off the nickel because he too owned slaves and fathered illegitimate children with Sally Hemming. Take Andrew Jackson off the $20 bill for owning slaves and he enforcing The Trail of Tears. Take FDR off the dime for signing Executive Order 9066 for interning Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War II.
Since the nations beginning 1776, slavery was legal for 89-years. Although opposed, it was abolished in 1865. If liberals claim they are "tolerant" and logical, why are they not calling for banning of our flag? Oh, never mind...Those who are calling for the banning of the Confederate flag are already stomping, spitting and burning Old Glory.
Big Pop; "Because Schneider tweeted an image of Dylan Roof who was clad in a Gold's Gym shirt while burning an American flag. Should Gold's Gym logo be a symbol of racism? To be fair, the KKK never waved a Gold's Gym banner while instigating a lynching".
You answered your own question Big Pop. The KKK never waved a Gold's gym banner. Sensible enough to me...don't ya' think?
There's a true unspoken irony in this entire debate about the Confederate flag. FACT: The confederate battle flag was "designed, accepted and flown" by Democrats. FACT: It was used as a symbol when some Democrats split and formed the Dixiecrats. FACT: It was used as a symbol of division during the Civil Rights movement by Democrats. FACT: The foremost racist Democrat organization, The Ku Klux Klan used it as their symbol of unity.
Yet, its mainly "Republican", elected officials, media and pundits, who are the ones supporting the display of the flag???? Why are so many Republicans claiming that the flag is a symbol of "pride and heritage", when those same Republicans know the above stated facts? Not only are so many aware of the facts, they constantly spew the talking points that , "the KKK started the Klan, the Democrats legislated Jim Crow racism,blah blah blah. As my daddy use to say... "somethin' smells rotten here."
Then there's the propaganda cover-up artists that claim, "the flag has been hijacked by the KKK racist!" They claim that the KKK didn't adopt the Confederate flag until the Civil Rights movement. First off... DUUUUUUUHHH? Hell, they could have adopted any flag of their choosing! So why the Confederate flag? Simple! It historically represents their views! The flag of the Nazi Third Reich was the national flag of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Everyone knows what the Swastika means. Is there anyone here ready to claim that the national flag of Germany from 1933 to 45 is a symbol of "heritage and pride?"
Yet, its mainly "Republican", elected officials, media and pundits, who are the ones supporting the display of the flag???? Why are so many Republicans claiming that the flag is a symbol of "pride and heritage", when those same Republicans know the above stated facts?
Because Republicans follow this thing called "The Constitution" which allows for freedom of speech and expression. Not that hard to understand.
Allen-"There's a true unspoken irony in this entire debate about the Confederate flag debate.
I'm still trying to figure out as black voters who say they oppose the flag still vote Democrat? Why did they continue to vote for Robert Byrd, a former Grand Wizard? Why did they continue to vote for a segregationist like George Wallace? As I mentioned in my earlier post, Hillary Clinton mentioned that the flag should not be flown, but had no objections that her husband as governor of Arkansas signed Act 116 to signify that the star above Arkansas on the state flag was to commemorate the Confederate States of America. Or why there was no objections for her husband's campaign pins that feature the Confederate flag? I am going to guess that supporters are going to make excuses that the star did not look like the Confederate flag, and the pins were not flying above statehouses.
Allen-"Yet, its mainly "Republicans", elected officials, media pundits, who are the ones supporting the display of the flag???? Why are so many Republicans claiming that the flag of "pride and heritage", when many of those same Republicans know the above stated facts?
LOL! You are trying to throw me a curve, aren't you Allen. I Googled to see if there are any Republicans who show support of the flag to remain. What I found was that Republicans, namely GOP presidential candidates favor in the removal of the flag. What makes you think that it is Republican citizens show in support of the flag. Those who are in favor of letting it fly never gave their political affiliation. But why don't you ask those who are in favor in keeping the flag? How about asking this young black college student from the University of SC who supports the Confederate flag and fought to keep this flag and hang it in his dorm room? https://youtu.be/1Jadmjn3ebs https://youtu.be/i3TdtLPd-fl
Here is a guy who supports the students right: https://youtu.be/NR-qqovlgiY
Or how about this young lady who was once a member of the Nation of Islam who supports the Confederate flag? https/youtu.be/ubfgGXZx15M
So Allen, are they Democrat or Republican, or just delusional?
Allen-"Then there's the propaganda cover-up artist that claim, "the flag has been hijacked by the KKK racist!" They claim that the KKK didn't adopt the Confederate flag till the Civil Rights movement. First off...DUUUUUUUHHH? Hell, they could have adopted any other flag of their choosing! So, why the Confederate flag? Simple! It historically reflects their views. The flag of the Nazi Third Reich was the national flag of Germany from 1933-1945. Everyone knows what the swastika means. Is there any here to claim that the national flag of Germany of 1933 to 45 is a symbol of "heritage and pride?"
I am guessing that you are referring to the anonymous post from the last blog. Let's not forget that the Nazi flag was too used by the American Nazi party during that era and was supportive of the Third Reich. As for the swastika, what does it mean? According to Anonymous' source, today many see it as a symbol of hate, while it is very common in the Hindu religion. No decent human being would be caught dead wearing a swastika on his or her person. While those who that the Confederate flag is an offensive image, suppose I were to come to school wearing an article of clothing featuring the Confederate flag, such as a Lynard Skynard T-shirt, it wouldn't surprise me that school officials are going to tell me to cover up my shirt because some student (or staff) might take offense to it? Let's suppose if a Hindu girl were to come to class wearing a dress with swastika patterns, are they going to tell her to cover up her dress, or give her a free pass because of her religious beliefs? What if there was white male student who was a practicing Hindu coming in wearing a Nehru jacket with a swastika on it, are they going to give him a free pass like his female counterpart, or tell him to remove it?
Big Pop; "I'm still trying to figure out as black voters who say they oppose the flag still vote Democrat?".
A majority of blacks do oppose the "FLAG." Frankly, blacks shouldn't vote Democrat or Republican. Most White Southern Democrats vote Republican, so Blacks lose no matter what party they vote for.
Big Pop; "LOL! You are trying to throw me a curve, aren't you Allen. I Googled to see if there are any Republicans who show support of the flag to remain. What I found was that Republicans, namely GOP presidential candidates favor in the removal of the flag. What makes you think that it is Republican citizens show in support of the flag".
Moreover, all the GOP candidates, including SC Gov. Nikki Haley were hemmin' and hawin' until Mitt chimed in. They knew that the confederate flag was a sensitive issue with the Republican voting base.
As far as blacks who wish to display, support and honor the confederate battle flag, it's their choice, their right, and they have the freedom to do so. But that doesn't change the history, nor they meaning behind how and why it was being used by racists. There are plenty of heterosexuals who support the right for homosexuals to get married. So you're free to support whatever you wish to.
While politicians and CEOs were reluctant enough to take down the Confederate flag because some racist sociopathic white supremacist shot and kill nine black parishioners, where was the outrage in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend that left 10 people dead and 54 wounded? One of those victims was a seven-year-old boy. Is Obama going to attend his funeral in his hometown and sing " Amazing Grace" as he did with the Charleston victims?
ACM "I've been meaning to get that book for the longest time. I'll get it on Amazon next week and finally read it."
Here are two articles by Sowell giving a preview of his book:
Black Rednecks And White Liberals, by Thomas Sowell, May 5, 2005 http://townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/2005/05/05/black_rednecks_and_white_liberals/page/full
Thomas Sowell: Crippled by Their Culture The Wall Street Journal, April 26, 2005 (Race doesn't hold back America's “black rednecks.” Nor does racism.) http://carnageandculture.blogspot.com/2005/04/thomas-sowell-crippled-by-their.html
anonymous said in response to p allen allen "Because Republicans follow this thing called "The Constitution" which allows for freedom of speech and expression. Not that hard to understand."?
I have to agree with that also. I can care less that the state house in South Carolina and other states have the confederate battle flag flying. I'm not from South Carolina or any other state in which it's state house flies the confederate battle flag or any various of it. That's the great thing about states rights, the confederate battle flag is an issue of the citizens of those states to deal with, it doesn't concern me. A flag can have different meanings for different people. The same some people support the American flag and sees it as a symbol of patriotism and freedom, others see it as a symbol of colonialism and oppression etc. So with that's the case with the American Flag, why is it so far fetched for some people to understand that there are people who do support the confederate battle flag simply because they do embrace their southern heritage and some use the flag to promote their racist beliefs. In other words, neither flags are absolute in what they stand for. Speaking of free speech, I read a story the other day of a person who ran up to a truck on the road which had the confederate flag and yanked it off. That person violated the truck driver's freedom of speech.
anonymous said "While politicians and CEOs were reluctant enough to take down the Confederate flag because some racist sociopathic white supremacist shot and kill nine black parishioners, where was the outrage in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend that left 10 people dead and 54 wounded? One of those victims was a seven-year-old boy. Is Obama going to attend his funeral in his hometown and sing " Amazing Grace" as he did with the Charleston victims?"
Well under political correctness, black lives really only matter when the deaths of blacks can help progressive a certain liberal agenda. In this case, the confederate flag has been on the radar of the left for awhile now. Like Rahm Emmanuel said "a crisis is a terrible thing to waste", and liberals have cashed on on the Charleston shooting big time. You are right. Nine black lives being gunned down in Chicago is hardly national news worthy, because the media is not going to cover in great extent black lives that are ended at the hands of another black person. It's just the dirty truth. Let's say that a black gang member in Chicago gunned down nine people who were gathered at a neighborhood block party, this would "probably make national news" but the coverage would last for no more then a day tops.
Anon;"where was the outrage in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend that left 10 people dead and 54 wounded? One of those victims was a seven-year-old boy. Is Obama going to attend his funeral in his hometown and sing " Amazing Grace" as he did with the Charleston victims?".
Some make claims that the President is making political hay out of the deaths of the nine killed in Charleston. Those same people (like yourself) attempt to make the same out of the senseless gun violence and death in black communities. How about we all meet on common ground and make "political hay" about the senseless gun violence in the country....
Anon, via Tyrone. In reference to why Republicans support the rebel flag; "Because Republicans follow this thing called "The Constitution" which allows for freedom of speech and expression. Not that hard to understand?".
Oooohhh! You mean the constitution that the confederacy fought against while flying the confederate battle flag? Or do you mean the constitution that the confederacy re-wrote and changed many of it's articles, one which "protects the property rights of slaves holders" to continue to own Negro slaves?
Nevertheless, you still aren't answering the question. I already know that you have the freedom of speech and expression. My question is what are you attempting to "say and express" by displaying a flag that symbolizes what the Democrats stand for. Everyone knows that the flag was designed by a racist slave holding confederate rebel Confederate Army Officer. Everyone knows that it was used to symbolize racist intent for Jim Crow Laws and segregation. Every knows that it was a symbol of the Ku Klux Klan. Everyone knows that they were all Democrats, and that they all used the flag as a symbol of rebellion, racism and hate. So my question is, what's your reason?
Well, the governor of South Carolina, and many republicans as well as democrats, agree with me that it is time for the rebel confederate flag not to be waved by our government. Conservatives and some on this blog can keep spilling ink and analyzing this issue. However, I will say it again, some things should not be conserved. What the flag symbolizes is a stumblingblock, and a distraction, to what America really needs. (Apparently many white southerners need another spanking.) One more thing. I am overwhelmingly aligned with conservative views; but conservatives in the main are not right 100% of the time, only God; and liberals are not wrong 100% of the time.
Years ago I quit watching the “Left – Right” political TV shows, because whatever issue came down the pike, all the conservatives would line up on on side, and all the liberals on the other side, and all we end up with is polarization, stalemate, and gridlock.
And some black conservatives go overboard, and overcompensate and overkill, to try to show how conservative they are.
The question all Americans should ask is, What will help America to build on her ideals and to be even better?
By the way, I like what is happening with Donald Trump. A high profile public person is speaking bluntly and plainly – FINALLY! Making Americans consider the crimes by illegal aliens – drugs, rape, incest, vandalism, starting wildfires to divert authorities, 20-30% of federal prison population (Read Ann Coulter's Adios America). Sarah Palin tried to speak up, and they tried to bankrupt her in Alaska. Trump has enough money and business finesse that he does not need to be beholding to the RNC, or NBC, CBS, ABC, or ESPN, or to the spineless corrupt cowards in Washington DC, from McConnell and Boehner on down.
As Coulter points out, the average American is a right-of-center voter. But the 50 million plus that have crossed the Mexico border into America, are mostly left-of-center when they vote. The liberals know this (even Chris Matthews admitted the other day), and Donald Trump is opening the door for national awareness of this strategy of America-hating liberals. They label “racist” and “extremist” any person who exposes what the lapdog media have FAILED to report for at least the past 20 years. Saying of an illegal alien who rapes and murders: “Man” arrested; but no mention of “Jose' Ortiz an illegal alien”).
Was the Confederate flag responsible for not only the murders in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend, but what about the illegal alien who murdered a young lady in San Francisco, better known as a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.
Allen-"I wasn't really trying to throw you a curve, however you gave it a "swing and a miss." In a poll taken in 2013, it shows that Republicans saw the flag a symbol of Southern Pride."
The way I have been seeing things lately Allen, when it comes tragedies such as the Church massacres, or other events like cop shooting of black criminals that make national news, liberals have this habit of coming up with conspiracy theories and jumping to conclusions by blaming white racism, slavery, Judea-Christian conservative groups, the NRA and Republicans without getting all the facts first.
In the Church massacre, liberals are quick to blame right-wing ideology along with the Confederate flag that boosted Dylan Roof's racist views. While most liberals are in allegiance to the Democratic party, how can they say something is offensive one way, but are dismissive of its use the other? As you pointed out the facts earlier, the Confederate flag was used by the Democrats for negative purposes in support for slavery, racism, segregation, and other issues that deprive people of their civil rights. According to liberals, we can't fly the flag because it's offensive, but it's all right that it was printed on Bill Clinton's presidential campaign button pins. As I mentioned before I would probably be condemned for wearing a Lynard Skynard t-shirt in public because of their logo, but liberals have this so-call "understanding" to allow a Hindu girl wear a swastika patterned dress. And still I don't understand too see why liberals wear items of clothing featuring the image of Che Guevara, who was a anti-American, communist, racist, fascist mass-murderer. Wait a minute? Che Guevara was no better than the white supremacist group who flew the Confederate flag to deprive blacks and other minorities of their civil rights through intimidation and murder; he was just as bad.
As I'm writing this, South Carolina has officially taken the Confederate flag permanently off of state grounds. To many, for a long time, the Confederate flag for some time has been a distraction and oppressive image within the black community. Is removing the flag going to improve anything for the black community? Is that going to stop the black-on-black crime rate? Is that going to prevent the out-of-wedlock birthrate in the black community? Will that improve the poor education and drop-out rate in urban cities? Will the black unemployment rate drop? Will we see black entrepreneurial skyrocket within inner cities because the flag has been removed? Will there be no more gang recruitment? Will the black prison population drop? The flag is not to blame, it's the leadership that's to be blamed.
Nikki Haley, John Roberts,, John Boehner, Chris Christie, John McCain, Jeb Bush, & the entire Rino establishment under the careful watch of Rince Priebus & Karl Rove, allgive new meaning to the term "turncoats"! These spinless & compromising RINO's are just one more reason why so many Americans are turning to support Donald Trump because at least, he is publicly debunking all of the politically-incorrect mandates in which they have proudly subscribed to in assissting the Democrats to push in their next, ill-qualified so-called, "historically first" identity-fueled, "womyn" president; "Over-The-Hill-Ary" Clinton! So now what? America can sleep at ease because Ms Haley, under the presser of her Democrat co-horts has successfully planted the seeds of racial harmony by removing the confederate flag? Ha!
Haley just reinforces why I will not support a female poliitician irrespective of whether or not she has an R behind her name. She is as overrated as any other female politician who is being shamelessly lauded by an equal amount of men, including moderates who are pretending that they don't mind seeing our nation or many of states states being mis-lead by a "Womyn"! The saddest part of all of this ridiculous fanfare of the left surrounding the removal of the confederate flag, is that Ms. Haley's entire political career will revolve around this one, major oversight! Wow, just look at how far we have progressed within our multicultural society!
Larry the Cable Guy and Jeff Foxworthy came up with a very funny skit mocking the absurdity of the attack on the confederate battle flag and political correctness in general. It would be insane if it weren't actually happening. I wonder if I claim that I am offended by the rainbow flag, will they take it down? Of course they won't. This is what numskull liberals don't get. Dylan Roof would have killed those nine black people in Charleston regardless of whether the confederate battle flag existed or not! Gangster Rap music has had more of an influence in blacks being killed by other blacks then the confederate battle flag has in blacks being killed by whites. Of course progressives don't want to touch that. Nothing is going to change by politicians grandstanding in removing the confederate flags from statehouses. People can still buy the flags and fly them on their property. Well if liberals decided to become hardcore fascists, that might change also. A local news reporter here in Baltimore actually sought out a person here who was flying his confederate flag and wondered why he was doing it since the flag was taken down in South Carolina.
BP said "As I'm writing this, South Carolina has officially taken the Confederate flag permanently off of state grounds. To many, for a long time, the Confederate flag for some time has been a distraction and oppressive image within the black community. Is removing the flag going to improve anything for the black community? Is that going to stop the black-on-black crime rate? Is that going to prevent the out-of-wedlock birthrate in the black community? Will that improve the poor education and drop-out rate in urban cities? Will the black unemployment rate drop? Will we see black entrepreneurial skyrocket within inner cities because the flag has been removed? Will there be no more gang recruitment? Will the black prison population drop? The flag is not to blame, it's the leadership that's to be blamed."
The illusion is that the confederate flag's removal is going to change anything in the minds of white and black progressives who are hypersensitive about race. It's not! I had conservatives asking me why blacks were still harping on racism when Obama was elected. I told them were they silly enough to have really thought that the mindset of blacks and white liberals were going to change due to a bi racial being passed off as a black man being elected to the presidency? Hardly anyone gave a dam about the confederate flag until the infamous picture of Dylan Roof holding it in a picture. So sorry to Nikkie Haley, but this is not a "new day", etc. Liberals are going to look at the American flag and claim that it represents the exact same racist premise as they claimed the confederate flag did.
anon said "Was the Confederate flag responsible for not only the murders in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend, but what about the illegal alien who murdered a young lady in San Francisco, better known as a sanctuary city for illegal aliens."
I blame the racist and deadly lyrics of rape music for the violence in Chicago and other urban cities. Hell, the music glorifies young black males killing other young black males, every other word is either nigger or nigga and it glorifies selling poison to their own people. That music is far more harmful to blacks then the confederate flag is.
Indigo said "Indigo said... By the way, I like what is happening with Donald Trump. A high profile public person is speaking bluntly and plainly – FINALLY! Making Americans consider the crimes by illegal aliens – drugs, rape, incest, vandalism, starting wildfires to divert authorities, 20-30% of federal prison population (Read Ann Coulter's Adios America). Sarah Palin tried to speak up, and they tried to bankrupt her in Alaska. Trump has enough money and business finesse that he does not need to be beholding to the RNC, or NBC, CBS, ABC, or ESPN, or to the spineless corrupt cowards in Washington DC, from McConnell and Boehner on down."
I've already finished my video commentary on Trump, and I will have it up later today or tomorrow at the latest. He's starting to really impress me as well. The election cycle is early but he is taking it to them!! I've lost respect for Rick Perry and others I thought of backing. They are merely Republican establishment stooges. Trump was right in what he said, and his critics can't say he was factually wrong, so now they are in full smear mode trying to destroy him, but it's having the opposite impact. He's getting more and more popular for fighting back and not grabbing his ankles like Romney and McCain did.
anonymous said "Since you mentioned the Redskins earlier Tyrone, look what liberals are complaining about now."
I read the story earlier today. I predicted something like this would happen. You can't give liberals bone, because they will then want the whole dang skeleton. Now that they have been embolden by the victories against the confederate flag, now they want to set their sights on newer targets to conquest even if the have nothing to do with racism or not. I never thought that the Saint's logo would have appeared on their seek and destroy radar but apparently so. It wouldn't surprise me that they also set their sight's on the name of Cleveland's football team "The Browns". When morons are given power, this is the end result unfortunately pure insane fascism on display.
Big Pop;"Is removing the flag going to improve anything for the black community? Is that going to stop the black-on-black crime rate? Is that going to prevent the out-of-wedlock birthrate in the black community? Will that improve the poor education and drop-out rate in urban cities? Will the black unemployment rate drop? Will we see black entrepreneurial skyrocket within inner cities because the flag has been removed? Will there be no more gang recruitment? Will the black prison population drop? ".
No, no, no, no, no and no! The flag is only a "SYMBOL." The confederate battle flag does not symbolize "black-on-black crime, out of wedlock birth, gang recruitment etc..." It symbolizes a war fought for secession, opposition to the abolition of slavery, and the more modern defiance of anti-segregation laws combined with racist intent.
My name is Tyrone. I was born in raised in the liberal experiment gone wrong called Baltimore. I'm a staunch free thinking, analytical conservative. I don't subscribe to political correctness. Only sheep do that.
CB; (from your video): "The left is gong to use the confederate flag as an excuse to get rid of everything else they want to get rid of. Example, the Washington Redskins. They've been trying to get rid of the Redskin's name for years. And TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS. Just like they say the confederate flag is a symbol of hatred and division, so is the name of the Redskins. ITS COMING!".
Damn Tyrone, you're a modern day Nostradamus, a regular prophetic soothsayer or somethin'! Folks are already comparing the confederate flag to the Washington Redskin's logo and the swastika. Only one problem though with your mystic powers of divination. That story is two years old...
Equating the confederate flag with other so-called offensive symbols and sports logos is nothing new. So, as usual, you're a day late and a dollar short. But if you really what to be viewed as some sort of guru, instead of trying to predict what "will" happen, try to predict "when" something will happen. Try predicting when blacks will wake up to the fact that neither liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans, Libertarians, Socialists, or all the political crap that keeps "them controlling us", doesn't work for black Americans. Tell me when that's going to happen....
There are reasons why some want to keep the confederate banner unfurled.
Read Thomas Sowell's “Black Rednecks And White Liberals” where Sowell explains that some of what is distinctive about white – and thus black - southern culture, is rooted in the whites who settled there coming from the very lowest class of whites in Great Britain. Those English whites were known for loud talk and music, drinking alcohol, promiscuous sex, flambouyant and pentecostal type speaking. Sowell traces how this culture infused black African slaves in the south, and then when those blacks moved north, to the northern urban ghettos where it still resides today. Sowell posits that the reason why many blacks cannot break free from their anti-education defective culture, is that such efforts to break free from it, is hindered by white liberals. Oh, irony of ironies, blacks acting like rednecks and voting democrat!
But it is not just many blacks who need to break free. White liberals also use as a heavy weight of leverage, the “racist, redneck hick, flyover country” stereotyped white “conservatives”, to keep blacks voting for democrats and their liberal policies. Part of the answer is for many whites – and blacks – to stop being backwards looking, reclaim their dignity, break free from the stereotypes, while also exposing the liberal machinists as the destructive force that they have been. Conservatives need to quit playing checkers when the liberals are playing chess, and everyone better know that the checkmate belongs to God.
Some things do not need to be conserved. Whatever is the “conservative party line” on this, I could care less. It is time for Americans to face that much about “the good ole' days” were not, and to face the future with truth.
It wasn't until the mid or late 1990s that I became aware of the term "political correctness". I have to ask, why are they complaining now? I guess it had to do that somebody, or some group had to point out something that they deemed "offensive" that they convince others to jump on their bandwagon. Well, it's offensive now to them, because the people who brought it up said it was offensive. Before they jumped on the PC bandwagon, did they ever thought that any image or event was ever offensive to begin with? Did they ever complained about the General Lee on "The Dukes of Hazzard"? How about the flag being emblazoned in the name of Lynard Skynard? Far as I'm concerned, people who say that they are offended, were never offended to begin with. They are just people with a low self-esteem and have nothing better to do than to bring people down to their level.
Off and on that the Confederate battle flag has come under attack. Whether you approve of the flag or not, Hillary Clinton said that the flag should not fly anywhere because it represents slavery, racism and oppression. Where was her outrage while her husband as governor of Arkansas signed Act 116 that among any other provisions, that the blue star above ARKANSAS on the state flag is to commemorate the Confederate States of America? Where was her's and black voters outrage when during both of his presidential campaigns pins were printed CLINTON/GORE 1992 with the Confederate flag on them? Hypocrisy at its best.
Sadly, Black Americans are taught in school that the Northern War of Aggression was all about slavery. I had family in that war, yes, Confederates. My grandmother's grandfather fought because Yankees attacked him. He told her that. Our family were just farmers. No slaves. The majority of White people did NOT have slaves. That battle flag meant States' rights and independence from a government that no longer represented the Southern states. There were Black Confederate soldiers too.
Remember when Clarence Thomas said he experienced Southern segregation first-hand, but the worst racism he ever encountered was in the liberal North.
They called the Southerners "Johnny Reb" -- well, with the Federal Govt taking more and more powers for itself, couldn't we use a little rebellion? And if the PC Thought Police are going to ban the flag, it becomes more of a REBEL symbol than ever before.
You are so right, Tyrone, the flag didn't kill anyone. A crazy, misguided young man on some sort of prescription drug did. I read his manifesto finally. It's true there is a lot of Black on White crime. But gunning down helpless churchgoers did NOT prove that point at all. In fact, it fed into the narrative that "evil Whites are killing Blacks. White racism is the cause of violence against Blacks."
A 150-year-old battle flag is not the enemy of Black people. Our sick modern society is the enemy of ALL people. The PC crowd making such a fuss over the flag is another distraction from the real issues.
Thanks for your website!
The Confederacy lost the war so I don't get why that flag is even in existence much less flying over state ground, we have one flag here in the United States, but as you say if they want to fly it, as long as they don't break any laws, have at it.
What gets me is that it is, as you say, another perfect distraction for the Left when there are so many more important things on the table.
This lone child, a coward who went to a place with unarmed innocents, is representative of nothing. That won't stop the Regressive Progressives from making hay with it though.
And did I hear correctly that a justice on The Supreme Court said Whites are unconsciously born prejudicial? Things be getting hot for me in this country.
While the mainstream are using Confederate flag as the scapegoat that led up to the Charleston shooting, what many never knew, or bother to report that the slain pastor and state senator Clements Pinckney, who was a Democrat, that back in May 2000, he voted in favor of H5028, the compromise which placed the flag in its current location.
H5208 related to placement to the United States flag, the South Carolina state flag, South Carolina infantry battle flag, and the Confederate States of America. Pinckney's name was among the 93 yeas.
p allen said "Damn Tyrone, you're a modern day Nostradamus, a regular prophetic soothsayer or somethin'! Folks are already comparing the confederate flag to the Washington Redskin's logo and the swastika. Only one problem though with your mystic powers of divination. That story is two years old..."
Thank you for the sarcastic compliment but I will take it, thank you. I know liberals like I know the back of my hand you liberals rarely prove me wrong. The same way liberals used the black civil rights movement as prop to advocate for gay marriage, amnesty for illegal aliens is just one example of how liberals will use a cause for one thing in order to try and create an off shot connection in attempt to use that cause to promote something else. Now that I think about, I was proven right. When I wrote the story the night the Emmanuel AME Church shooting happened. I said that the left would use that tragedy to attack Republicans(which they have)Fox News(which they have)the NRA(which they have). The only thing I left out was that they would attack the confederate flag, I said they were going to attack the tea party again (which they did). I'm not bragging but it is what it is. If what I said about who would be blamed for the shooting please correct me then allen.
p allen "Equating the confederate flag with other so-called offensive symbols and sports logos is nothing new. So, as usual, you're a day late and a dollar short. But if you really what to be viewed as some sort of guru, instead of trying to predict what "will" happen, try to predict "when" something will happen. Try predicting when blacks will wake up to the fact that neither liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans, Libertarians, Socialists, or all the political crap that keeps "them controlling us", doesn't work for black Americans. Tell me when that's going to happen...."
The confederate battle flag is only offensive to "those who choose to be offended by it". It's that simple. Why am I not offended by it? Prior toe the shootings in South Carolina, hardly anyone gave a dam one way or another about the confederate flag other then those it represented. The stereotype came into play by those who think that every person who supports the confederate flag is a racist, and isn't the case. I personally know a person from South Carolina who is white and is a huge supporter of the confederate flag and he doesn't have a racist bone in his body. There are and were black people who supported and flew the confederate flag and the confederate battle flag. I have another friend who is white and is married to a black woman. He does the civil war reenactment, and he could educate a lot of people on the history of the confederacy and the various confederate flags.
p allen said "Equating the confederate flag with other so-called offensive symbols and sports logos is nothing new. So, as usual, you're a day late and a dollar short. But if you really what to be viewed as some sort of guru, instead of trying to predict what "will" happen, try to predict "when" something will happen. Try predicting when blacks will wake up to the fact that neither liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans, Libertarians, Socialists, or all the political crap that keeps "them controlling us", doesn't work for black Americans. Tell me when that's going to happen..."
It's nothing new to "whom" though allen? It's not conservatives nor libertarians who constantly keep making these comparisons, it's liberals who keep doing it, like a dog frantically digging in a hole to find a buried bone. Most Americans can care less about the name of sports teams, all they care about is that their team wins. I'm in that category thankfully.As for black waking up, they aren't. As I look back when I created the name of this blog, I realize how after all this time in a mocking sarcastic laugh just how much of a joke it was. Let me put it like this, the day most blacks wake up to how the political system has played them, and they actually voice their disdain will be the day I start regrowing hair, lol. So I pretty much am confident in what I say on that.
Indigo said...
There are reasons why some want to keep the confederate banner unfurled.
Read Thomas Sowell's “Black Rednecks And White Liberals” where Sowell explains that some of what is distinctive about white – and thus black - southern culture, is rooted in the whites who settled there coming from the very lowest class of whites in Great Britain. Those English whites were known for loud talk and music, drinking alcohol, promiscuous sex, flambouyant and pentecostal type speaking. Sowell traces how this culture infused black African slaves in the south, and then when those blacks moved north, to the northern urban ghettos where it still resides today. Sowell posits that the reason why many blacks cannot break free from their anti-education defective culture, is that such efforts to break free from it, is hindered by white liberals. Oh, irony of ironies, blacks acting like rednecks and voting democrat!
I've been meaning to get that book for the longest time. I'll get it on Amazon next week and finally read it. I've heard liberals tell me and other blacks that it is hard for a black man to succeed in this country. It's amusing how when I tell white liberals how come I made it, they just say "I lucky", yet they can never tell me how. That's why they call me "uppity", because I am way to smart in being able to see through their BS oppression spew, and they can't accept it. Nothing like the invisible shackles of progressive black oppression. Liberal have been telling blacks for 50 years that the cards are inherently stacked against them. So blacks say to themselves what's the use in even trying. It's a racist country, the republicans, the tea party etc etc etc are out to get me, but the Democrats and those good white liberals will always have my back(but it never turns out that way) imagine that.
Indigo said "But it is not just many blacks who need to break free. White liberals also use as a heavy weight of leverage, the “racist, redneck hick, flyover country” stereotyped white “conservatives”, to keep blacks voting for democrats and their liberal policies. Part of the answer is for many whites – and blacks – to stop being backwards looking, reclaim their dignity, break free from the stereotypes, while also exposing the liberal machinists as the destructive force that they have been. Conservatives need to quit playing checkers when the liberals are playing chess, and everyone better know that the checkmate belongs to God"
Of course they are backwards thinking, literally. Liberals seem to only live for certain periods in American history which centers mainly from their hatered for the founding of the nation through to the time of the Civil Rights movement. They refuse to move beyond 1965. For example, Three weeks Hillary Clinton was in Texas speaking at Texas Southern University which is a predominantly black university.Of all the topics she could have given a speech to the audience on such how having an education can left blacks out of poverty and how important it is to have a highly trained black workforce for the 21st century etc, nah, Her speech was about "Voter ID" Laws and claiming that blacks are being denied the ability to vote because they are black. The same old victim hood spew election cycle after election cycle.
Those Voter ID Laws are needed to protect blacks from the influx of immigrants. They're needed for all of us. Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.
Miss Marty; "Sadly, Black Americans are taught in school that the Northern War of Aggression was all about slavery".
War of Northern Aggression? So without the "aggression" of the Northern states, where would blacks be, and what would they be taught today? Remember to bear in mind that several Southern states had identified themselves as "slave-holding states" in their Ordinances of Secession. Also bear in mind that the South was governed by "racist Democrats." The same Democrats that formed the KKK after the Civi.... ooopps, I mean the "War of Northern Aggression." If the South had won the war do you think that the very very very rich slave holders, many of whom were elected politicians and Army Generals, do you believe they would have just set those slaves free?
The heck with all your other responses, I'm going to respond to this;
Tyrone; "As for black waking up, they aren't".
You're fast asleep now Tyrone, so speak for yourself. The first part of an awakening, is believing in it.
BP said "It wasn't until the mid or late 1990s that I became aware of the term "political correctness". I have to ask, why are they complaining now? I guess it had to do that somebody, or some group had to point out something that they deemed "offensive" that they convince others to jump on their bandwagon. Well, it's offensive now to them, because the people who brought it up said it was offensive. Before they jumped on the PC bandwagon, did they ever thought that any image or event was ever offensive to begin with? Did they ever complained about the General Lee on "The Dukes of Hazzard"? How about the flag being emblazoned in the name of Lynard Skynard? Far as I'm concerned, people who say that they are offended, were never offended to begin with. They are just people with a low self-esteem and have nothing better to do than to bring people down to their level."
Lynard Skynard will more then likely be next or in the progressive pipeline. Hell, their song Sweet Home Alabama might might be deemed racist somehow, because it references Alabama. Things have gotten so absurd that now people can't even buy confederate flags at historic Gettysburg of all places! TV Land has just announced that will no longer air the Dukes of Hazard reruns. Again, this is how stupid people have become. People normally watch TV Land, because they grew up watching the classic TV shows like the Dukes of Hazard. From the very first episode to it's last, people did not have a problem with the General Lee nor it having a confederate battle flag on it until 30 years later!! As for Gettysburg, I guess by them removing the confederate flag, what are they going to tell tourists now, the North fought an unidentifiable force from the south? It's pure lunacy which is political correctness. Political Correctness is warped logic wrapped in stupidity in an effort not to "offend" oversensitive people. I personally hope that many small mom and pop retailers and websites continue to sell the confederate flags just for the sole sake of sticking two fingers in the eyes of political correctness.
Miss Marty "Sadly, Black Americans are taught in school that the Northern War of Aggression was all about slavery. I had family in that war, yes, Confederates. My grandmother's grandfather fought because Yankees attacked him. He told her that. Our family were just farmers. No slaves. The majority of White people did NOT have slaves. That battle flag meant States' rights and independence from a government that no longer represented the Southern states. There were Black Confederate soldiers too."
Most black Americans do not know American history at all. I can create a fictional character out of thin air and ask blacks do they support this fictional character freeing the slaves, and they will agree yes. You're right Miss Marty, everyone who fought for the confederacy had different reasons for doing so, it wasn't because they were all slave owners and wanted to preserve slavery in the south. The families who owned slaves in the south were wealthy land owners who could afford to own them. Progressive logic would have people believe that everybody who lived in the south during the confederacy were rich and all lived on plantation estates. That wasn't the case. There were white farmers wand white farm hands who didn't own slaves. They also seem to forget that there were whites who lived under the confederacy who helped to free slaves and were just a proud of their southern roots and wanted nothing to do with the North.
Miss Marty said "Remember when Clarence Thomas said he experienced Southern segregation first-hand, but the worst racism he ever encountered was in the liberal North."
Of course. At least with a true racist, you know where that person stands. Liberals will pretend to to support blacks "as long as they know their role" voting loyalty wise. For all the talk by the left about the south being racist, they ignore the fact that one of the most racist cities in the north is good ol liberal Boston.
Miss Marty said "You are so right, Tyrone, the flag didn't kill anyone. A crazy, misguided young man on some sort of prescription drug did. I read his manifesto finally. It's true there is a lot of Black on White crime. But gunning down helpless churchgoers did NOT prove that point at all. In fact, it fed into the narrative that "evil Whites are killing Blacks. White racism is the cause of violence against Blacks."
Look at all the recent mass murderers over the past 5 years. These people murdered others not because of race, but because they were simply mentally nuts! There are many racists in America who haven't killed any one of another race they don't like. Leftists always want to ignore the mental state of the mass shooters and the psychopathic drugs they were taking and instead focus on the irrelevant such as the gun or in this case a "flag". I've laid off posting stories of black on white attacks just because other stories of interest came up, but I will start posting them again to bring balance that racism isn't just a one way street that is solely occupied by whites.
CB;"Leftists always want to ignore the mental state of the mass shooters and the psychopathic drugs they were taking and instead focus on the irrelevant such as the gun or in this case a "flag".
Yeah, sure right... Leftist always blame the "irrelevant" weapon when people use weapons to kill. Leftest never blame the self induced psychosis these killers are experiencing. As with the Boston Marathon Bombers, leftest want to blame "the bomb", and ignore the hate filled radical Islamic induced psychosis. Leftest blamed "the bomb" for Timothy McVeigh's psychosis.
CB;"I've laid off posting stories of black on white attacks just because other stories of interest came up, but I will start posting them again to bring balance that racism isn't just a one way street that is solely occupied by whites".
Black on white attacks? Simple explanation... Self induced psychosis! We all know that drugs of all types are pervasive in black communities. Gotta be the drugs....right?
When blacks attacks whites its racism, even if they don't admit it racism. Yet a white man can shoot and kill 9 innocent blacks in a church, and its drug induced psychosis, even though he ADMITS his racist intent? The fact is that there is an element of psychosis that exists within the act of homicide. But political pundits and hacks attempt to use tragedies, any tragedy to forward their political agenda's.
Here's the non-political induced facts about homicidal acts. Guns really done kill people. BULLETS DO! Bombs don't kill people either. THE EXPLOSION DOES!
As you mentioned in your video Tyrone, that Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos is a hypocrite. No longer selling the Confederate battle flag, but continues to sell Nazi memorabilia. It came to my attention, that Wal-Mart will no longer sell merchandises featuring the Confederate flag, but they're continuing to sell merchandises featuring the image of Che Guevara, an anti-American, communist, racist thug and a mass murderer! I'm trying to find the differences here. Just like they discontinued to sponsor Paula Deen's cooking show and stop selling her cookware because she admitted when she was younger, she used racial epithets. Yet, I wonder when they will stop selling hip-hop CDs?
CB-"TV Land has just announced that they will no longer air the Dukes of Hazzard reruns. Again, this how stupid people have become."
John Schneider who played Bo Duke has a lot of choice words to say about TV Land.
I don't know if they sell them, but should Wal-Mart should stop selling Gold's Gym merchandise? Because Schneider tweeted an image of Dylan Roof who was clad in a Gold's Gym shirt while burning an American flag. Should Gold's Gym logo be a symbol of racism? To be fair, the KKK never waved a Gold's Gym banner while instigating a lynching. Anyway, I don't have TV Land and I remember watching "Dukes of Hazzard" when it was still on the air; namely because I had a crush on Daisy Duke (who hasn't) and Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane made me laugh. If TV Land, and other syndicated television station are no longer going to air reruns of "The Dukes of Hazzard", what's next, are they going to stop airing reruns of "Hogan's Heroes" because it takes place in a Nazi POW camp? What about "All In the Family" and its spinoff "The Jefferson's" because Archie Bunker and George Jefferson were both bigots? What about "F-Troop", because stereotypes Indians?
As you mentioned too Tyrone, will the name "General Lee" and other Confederate icons be censored? While they are saying that the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism and slavery, lately, I've been reading reports that Confederate monuments are being vandalized. Whomever is doing these vandalism, they are no better than those who vandalize monuments and statues of known Civil Rights icons. There's talks about renaming towns, roads, schools, bridges parks and monuments in reference to known Confederate soldiers. Maybe we should do the same thing by renaming our nation's capitol, the state of Washington, and take George Washington's face off the dollar bill and the quarter because he too owned slaves. Take Thomas Jefferson off the nickel because he too owned slaves and fathered illegitimate children with Sally Hemming. Take Andrew Jackson off the $20 bill for owning slaves and he enforcing The Trail of Tears. Take FDR off the dime for signing Executive Order 9066 for interning Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War II.
Since the nations beginning 1776, slavery was legal for 89-years. Although opposed, it was abolished in 1865. If liberals claim they are "tolerant" and logical, why are they not calling for banning of our flag? Oh, never mind...Those who are calling for the banning of the Confederate flag are already stomping, spitting and burning Old Glory.
Big Pop; "Because Schneider tweeted an image of Dylan Roof who was clad in a Gold's Gym shirt while burning an American flag. Should Gold's Gym logo be a symbol of racism? To be fair, the KKK never waved a Gold's Gym banner while instigating a lynching".
You answered your own question Big Pop. The KKK never waved a Gold's gym banner. Sensible enough to me...don't ya' think?
There's a true unspoken irony in this entire debate about the Confederate flag.
FACT: The confederate battle flag was "designed, accepted and flown" by Democrats.
FACT: It was used as a symbol when some Democrats split and formed the Dixiecrats.
FACT: It was used as a symbol of division during the Civil Rights movement by Democrats.
FACT: The foremost racist Democrat organization, The Ku Klux Klan used it as their symbol of unity.
Yet, its mainly "Republican", elected officials, media and pundits, who are the ones supporting the display of the flag???? Why are so many Republicans claiming that the flag is a symbol of "pride and heritage", when those same Republicans know the above stated facts? Not only are so many aware of the facts, they constantly spew the talking points that , "the KKK started the Klan, the Democrats legislated Jim Crow racism,blah blah blah. As my daddy use to say... "somethin' smells rotten here."
Then there's the propaganda cover-up artists that claim, "the flag has been hijacked by the KKK racist!" They claim that the KKK didn't adopt the Confederate flag until the Civil Rights movement. First off... DUUUUUUUHHH? Hell, they could have adopted any flag of their choosing! So why the Confederate flag? Simple! It historically represents their views! The flag of the Nazi Third Reich was the national flag of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Everyone knows what the Swastika means. Is there anyone here ready to claim that the national flag of Germany from 1933 to 45 is a symbol of "heritage and pride?"
Yet, its mainly "Republican", elected officials, media and pundits, who are the ones supporting the display of the flag???? Why are so many Republicans claiming that the flag is a symbol of "pride and heritage", when those same Republicans know the above stated facts?
Because Republicans follow this thing called "The Constitution" which allows for freedom of speech and expression. Not that hard to understand.
Yet, it was a Democrat who put the Confederate flag up on the South Carolina State House
It was then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton who honored the Confederate States of America
So let's not pretend that Democrats aren't part of the Confederate Flag problems these days.
Allen-"There's a true unspoken irony in this entire debate about the Confederate flag debate.
I'm still trying to figure out as black voters who say they oppose the flag still vote Democrat? Why did they continue to vote for Robert Byrd, a former Grand Wizard? Why did they continue to vote for a segregationist like George Wallace? As I mentioned in my earlier post, Hillary Clinton mentioned that the flag should not be flown, but had no objections that her husband as governor of Arkansas signed Act 116 to signify that the star above Arkansas on the state flag was to commemorate the Confederate States of America. Or why there was no objections for her husband's campaign pins that feature the Confederate flag? I am going to guess that supporters are going to make excuses that the star did not look like the Confederate flag, and the pins were not flying above statehouses.
Allen-"Yet, its mainly "Republicans", elected officials, media pundits, who are the ones supporting the display of the flag???? Why are so many Republicans claiming that the flag of "pride and heritage", when many of those same Republicans know the above stated facts?
LOL! You are trying to throw me a curve, aren't you Allen. I Googled to see if there are any Republicans who show support of the flag to remain. What I found was that Republicans, namely GOP presidential candidates favor in the removal of the flag. What makes you think that it is Republican citizens show in support of the flag. Those who are in favor of letting it fly never gave their political affiliation. But why don't you ask those who are in favor in keeping the flag? How about asking this young black college student from the University of SC who supports the Confederate flag and fought to keep this flag and hang it in his dorm room?
Here is a guy who supports the students right: https://youtu.be/NR-qqovlgiY
Or how about this young lady who was once a member of the Nation of Islam who supports the Confederate flag? https/youtu.be/ubfgGXZx15M
So Allen, are they Democrat or Republican, or just delusional?
Allen-"Then there's the propaganda cover-up artist that claim, "the flag has been hijacked by the KKK racist!" They claim that the KKK didn't adopt the Confederate flag till the Civil Rights movement. First off...DUUUUUUUHHH? Hell, they could have adopted any other flag of their choosing! So, why the Confederate flag? Simple! It historically reflects their views. The flag of the Nazi Third Reich was the national flag of Germany from 1933-1945. Everyone knows what the swastika means. Is there any here to claim that the national flag of Germany of 1933 to 45 is a symbol of "heritage and pride?"
I am guessing that you are referring to the anonymous post from the last blog. Let's not forget that the Nazi flag was too used by the American Nazi party during that era and was supportive of the Third Reich. As for the swastika, what does it mean? According to Anonymous' source, today many see it as a symbol of hate, while it is very common in the Hindu religion. No decent human being would be caught dead wearing a swastika on his or her person. While those who that the Confederate flag is an offensive image, suppose I were to come to school wearing an article of clothing featuring the Confederate flag, such as a Lynard Skynard T-shirt, it wouldn't surprise me that school officials are going to tell me to cover up my shirt because some student (or staff) might take offense to it? Let's suppose if a Hindu girl were to come to class wearing a dress with swastika patterns, are they going to tell her to cover up her dress, or give her a free pass because of her religious beliefs? What if there was white male student who was a practicing Hindu coming in wearing a Nehru jacket with a swastika on it, are they going to give him a free pass like his female counterpart, or tell him to remove it?
Big Pop; "I'm still trying to figure out as black voters who say they oppose the flag still vote Democrat?".
A majority of blacks do oppose the "FLAG." Frankly, blacks shouldn't vote Democrat or Republican. Most White Southern Democrats vote Republican, so Blacks lose no matter what party they vote for.
Big Pop; "LOL! You are trying to throw me a curve, aren't you Allen. I Googled to see if there are any Republicans who show support of the flag to remain. What I found was that Republicans, namely GOP presidential candidates favor in the removal of the flag. What makes you think that it is Republican citizens show in support of the flag".
I really wasn't trying to throw you a curve, however you gave it a "swing and a miss." In a poll taken in 2013, it shows that mostly Republicans saw the flag as a symbol of Southern Pride.
In November of last year it was found that Blacks and Whites were deeply divided on the issue of the flag.
In fact, all of the Republican candidates were indecisive in their responses until Mitt Romney sent out a tweet urging Republicans to change their positions.
Moreover, all the GOP candidates, including SC Gov. Nikki Haley were hemmin' and hawin' until Mitt chimed in. They knew that the confederate flag was a sensitive issue with the Republican voting base.
As far as blacks who wish to display, support and honor the confederate battle flag, it's their choice, their right, and they have the freedom to do so. But that doesn't change the history, nor they meaning behind how and why it was being used by racists. There are plenty of heterosexuals who support the right for homosexuals to get married. So you're free to support whatever you wish to.
While politicians and CEOs were reluctant enough to take down the Confederate flag because some racist sociopathic white supremacist shot and kill nine black parishioners, where was the outrage in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend that left 10 people dead and 54 wounded? One of those victims was a seven-year-old boy. Is Obama going to attend his funeral in his hometown and sing " Amazing Grace" as he did with the Charleston victims?
ACM "I've been meaning to get that book for the longest time. I'll get it on Amazon next week and finally read it."
Here are two articles by Sowell giving a preview of his book:
Black Rednecks And White Liberals, by Thomas Sowell, May 5, 2005
Thomas Sowell: Crippled by Their Culture
The Wall Street Journal, April 26, 2005
(Race doesn't hold back America's “black rednecks.” Nor does racism.)
anonymous said in response to p allen allen "Because Republicans follow this thing called "The Constitution" which allows for freedom of speech and expression. Not that hard to understand."?
I have to agree with that also. I can care less that the state house in South Carolina and other states have the confederate battle flag flying. I'm not from South Carolina or any other state in which it's state house flies the confederate battle flag or any various of it. That's the great thing about states rights, the confederate battle flag is an issue of the citizens of those states to deal with, it doesn't concern me. A flag can have different meanings for different people. The same some people support the American flag and sees it as a symbol of patriotism and freedom, others see it as a symbol of colonialism and oppression etc. So with that's the case with the American Flag, why is it so far fetched for some people to understand that there are people who do support the confederate battle flag simply because they do embrace their southern heritage and some use the flag to promote their racist beliefs. In other words, neither flags are absolute in what they stand for. Speaking of free speech, I read a story the other day of a person who ran up to a truck on the road which had the confederate flag and yanked it off. That person violated the truck driver's freedom of speech.
anonymous said "While politicians and CEOs were reluctant enough to take down the Confederate flag because some racist sociopathic white supremacist shot and kill nine black parishioners, where was the outrage in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend that left 10 people dead and 54 wounded? One of those victims was a seven-year-old boy. Is Obama going to attend his funeral in his hometown and sing " Amazing Grace" as he did with the Charleston victims?"
Well under political correctness, black lives really only matter when the deaths of blacks can help progressive a certain liberal agenda. In this case, the confederate flag has been on the radar of the left for awhile now. Like Rahm Emmanuel said "a crisis is a terrible thing to waste", and liberals have cashed on on the Charleston shooting big time. You are right. Nine black lives being gunned down in Chicago is hardly national news worthy, because the media is not going to cover in great extent black lives that are ended at the hands of another black person. It's just the dirty truth. Let's say that a black gang member in Chicago gunned down nine people who were gathered at a neighborhood block party, this would "probably make national news" but the coverage would last for no more then a day tops.
Anon;"where was the outrage in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend that left 10 people dead and 54 wounded? One of those victims was a seven-year-old boy. Is Obama going to attend his funeral in his hometown and sing " Amazing Grace" as he did with the Charleston victims?".
We have shootings in the country every day. A New Jersey cop shot and killed his ex-wife over a child custody case. Should President Obama attend the funeral and sing amazing grace? An Oregon man shot and killed his wife. Should President Obama attend the funeral and sing amazing grace? An Alabama man killed his wife and kids, and was later found dead. Should President Obama attend the funeral and sing amazing grace? Here in Detroit, a woman killed two of her kids and put their bodies in a freezer. Should President Obama attend the funeral and sing amazing grace? I can go on and on and on....
Some make claims that the President is making political hay out of the deaths of the nine killed in Charleston. Those same people (like yourself) attempt to make the same out of the senseless gun violence and death in black communities. How about we all meet on common ground and make "political hay" about the senseless gun violence in the country....
Anon, via Tyrone. In reference to why Republicans support the rebel flag; "Because Republicans follow this thing called "The Constitution" which allows for freedom of speech and expression. Not that hard to understand?".
Oooohhh! You mean the constitution that the confederacy fought against while flying the confederate battle flag? Or do you mean the constitution that the confederacy re-wrote and changed many of it's articles, one which "protects the property rights of slaves holders" to continue to own Negro slaves?
Nevertheless, you still aren't answering the question. I already know that you have the freedom of speech and expression. My question is what are you attempting to "say and express" by displaying a flag that symbolizes what the Democrats stand for. Everyone knows that the flag was designed by a racist slave holding confederate rebel Confederate Army Officer. Everyone knows that it was used to symbolize racist intent for Jim Crow Laws and segregation. Every knows that it was a symbol of the Ku Klux Klan. Everyone knows that they were all Democrats, and that they all used the flag as a symbol of rebellion, racism and hate. So my question is, what's your reason?
Well, the governor of South Carolina, and many republicans as well as democrats, agree with me that it is time for the rebel confederate flag not to be waved by our government. Conservatives and some on this blog can keep spilling ink and analyzing this issue. However, I will say it again, some things should not be conserved. What the flag symbolizes is a stumblingblock, and a distraction, to what America really needs. (Apparently many white southerners need another spanking.) One more thing. I am overwhelmingly aligned with conservative views; but conservatives in the main are not right 100% of the time, only God; and liberals are not wrong 100% of the time.
Years ago I quit watching the “Left – Right” political TV shows, because whatever issue came down the pike, all the conservatives would line up on on side, and all the liberals on the other side, and all we end up with is polarization, stalemate, and gridlock.
And some black conservatives go overboard, and overcompensate and overkill, to try to show how conservative they are.
The question all Americans should ask is, What will help America to build on her ideals and to be even better?
By the way, I like what is happening with Donald Trump. A high profile public person is speaking bluntly and plainly – FINALLY! Making Americans consider the crimes by illegal aliens – drugs, rape, incest, vandalism, starting wildfires to divert authorities, 20-30% of federal prison population (Read Ann Coulter's Adios America). Sarah Palin tried to speak up, and they tried to bankrupt her in Alaska. Trump has enough money and business finesse that he does not need to be beholding to the RNC, or NBC, CBS, ABC, or ESPN, or to the spineless corrupt cowards in Washington DC, from McConnell and Boehner on down.
As Coulter points out, the average American is a right-of-center voter. But the 50 million plus that have crossed the Mexico border into America, are mostly left-of-center when they vote. The liberals know this (even Chris Matthews admitted the other day), and Donald Trump is opening the door for national awareness of this strategy of America-hating liberals. They label “racist” and “extremist” any person who exposes what the lapdog media have FAILED to report for at least the past 20 years. Saying of an illegal alien who rapes and murders: “Man” arrested; but no mention of “Jose' Ortiz an illegal alien”).
Was the Confederate flag responsible for not only the murders in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend, but what about the illegal alien who murdered a young lady in San Francisco, better known as a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.
Allen-"I wasn't really trying to throw you a curve, however you gave it a "swing and a miss." In a poll taken in 2013, it shows that Republicans saw the flag a symbol of Southern Pride."
The way I have been seeing things lately Allen, when it comes tragedies such as the Church massacres, or other events like cop shooting of black criminals that make national news, liberals have this habit of coming up with conspiracy theories and jumping to conclusions by blaming white racism, slavery, Judea-Christian conservative groups, the NRA and Republicans without getting all the facts first.
In the Church massacre, liberals are quick to blame right-wing ideology along with the Confederate flag that boosted Dylan Roof's racist views. While most liberals are in allegiance to the Democratic party, how can they say something is offensive one way, but are dismissive of its use the other? As you pointed out the facts earlier, the Confederate flag was used by the Democrats for negative purposes in support for slavery, racism, segregation, and other issues that deprive people of their civil rights. According to liberals, we can't fly the flag because it's offensive, but it's all right that it was printed on Bill Clinton's presidential campaign button pins. As I mentioned before I would probably be condemned for wearing a Lynard Skynard t-shirt in public because of their logo, but liberals have this so-call "understanding" to allow a Hindu girl wear a swastika patterned dress. And still I don't understand too see why liberals wear items of clothing featuring the image of Che Guevara, who was a anti-American, communist, racist, fascist mass-murderer. Wait a minute? Che Guevara was no better than the white supremacist group who flew the Confederate flag to deprive blacks and other minorities of their civil rights through intimidation and murder; he was just as bad.
As I'm writing this, South Carolina has officially taken the Confederate flag permanently off of state grounds. To many, for a long time, the Confederate flag for some time has been a distraction and oppressive image within the black community. Is removing the flag going to improve anything for the black community? Is that going to stop the black-on-black crime rate? Is that going to prevent the out-of-wedlock birthrate in the black community? Will that improve the poor education and drop-out rate in urban cities? Will the black unemployment rate drop? Will we see black entrepreneurial skyrocket within inner cities because the flag has been removed? Will there be no more gang recruitment? Will the black prison population drop? The flag is not to blame, it's the leadership that's to be blamed.
Nikki Haley, John Roberts,, John Boehner, Chris Christie, John McCain, Jeb Bush, & the entire Rino establishment under the careful watch of Rince Priebus & Karl Rove, allgive new meaning to the term "turncoats"! These spinless & compromising RINO's are just one more reason why so many Americans are turning to support Donald Trump because at least, he is publicly debunking all of the politically-incorrect mandates in which they have proudly subscribed to in assissting the Democrats to push in their next, ill-qualified so-called, "historically first" identity-fueled, "womyn" president; "Over-The-Hill-Ary" Clinton! So now what? America can sleep at ease because Ms Haley, under the presser of her Democrat co-horts has successfully planted the seeds of racial harmony by removing the confederate flag? Ha!
Haley just reinforces why I will not support a female poliitician irrespective of whether or not she has an R behind her name. She is as overrated as any other female politician who is being shamelessly lauded by an equal amount of men, including moderates who are pretending that they don't mind seeing our nation or many of states states being mis-lead by a "Womyn"! The saddest part of all of this ridiculous fanfare of the left surrounding the removal of the confederate flag, is that Ms. Haley's entire political career will revolve around this one, major oversight! Wow, just look at how far we have progressed within our multicultural society!
Larry the Cable Guy and Jeff Foxworthy came up with a very funny skit mocking the absurdity of the attack on the confederate battle flag and political correctness in general. It would be insane if it weren't actually happening. I wonder if I claim that I am offended by the rainbow flag, will they take it down? Of course they won't. This is what numskull liberals don't get. Dylan Roof would have killed those nine black people in Charleston regardless of whether the confederate battle flag existed or not! Gangster Rap music has had more of an influence in blacks being killed by other blacks then the confederate battle flag has in blacks being killed by whites. Of course progressives don't want to touch that. Nothing is going to change by politicians grandstanding in removing the confederate flags from statehouses. People can still buy the flags and fly them on their property. Well if liberals decided to become hardcore fascists, that might change also. A local news reporter here in Baltimore actually sought out a person here who was flying his confederate flag and wondered why he was doing it since the flag was taken down in South Carolina.
BP said "As I'm writing this, South Carolina has officially taken the Confederate flag permanently off of state grounds. To many, for a long time, the Confederate flag for some time has been a distraction and oppressive image within the black community. Is removing the flag going to improve anything for the black community? Is that going to stop the black-on-black crime rate? Is that going to prevent the out-of-wedlock birthrate in the black community? Will that improve the poor education and drop-out rate in urban cities? Will the black unemployment rate drop? Will we see black entrepreneurial skyrocket within inner cities because the flag has been removed? Will there be no more gang recruitment? Will the black prison population drop? The flag is not to blame, it's the leadership that's to be blamed."
The illusion is that the confederate flag's removal is going to change anything in the minds of white and black progressives who are hypersensitive about race. It's not! I had conservatives asking me why blacks were still harping on racism when Obama was elected. I told them were they silly enough to have really thought that the mindset of blacks and white liberals were going to change due to a bi racial being passed off as a black man being elected to the presidency? Hardly anyone gave a dam about the confederate flag until the infamous picture of Dylan Roof holding it in a picture. So sorry to Nikkie Haley, but this is not a "new day", etc. Liberals are going to look at the American flag and claim that it represents the exact same racist premise as they claimed the confederate flag did.
anon said "Was the Confederate flag responsible for not only the murders in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend, but what about the illegal alien who murdered a young lady in San Francisco, better known as a sanctuary city for illegal aliens."
I blame the racist and deadly lyrics of rape music for the violence in Chicago and other urban cities. Hell, the music glorifies young black males killing other young black males, every other word is either nigger or nigga and it glorifies selling poison to their own people. That music is far more harmful to blacks then the confederate flag is.
Indigo said "Indigo said...
By the way, I like what is happening with Donald Trump. A high profile public person is speaking bluntly and plainly – FINALLY! Making Americans consider the crimes by illegal aliens – drugs, rape, incest, vandalism, starting wildfires to divert authorities, 20-30% of federal prison population (Read Ann Coulter's Adios America). Sarah Palin tried to speak up, and they tried to bankrupt her in Alaska. Trump has enough money and business finesse that he does not need to be beholding to the RNC, or NBC, CBS, ABC, or ESPN, or to the spineless corrupt cowards in Washington DC, from McConnell and Boehner on down."
I've already finished my video commentary on Trump, and I will have it up later today or tomorrow at the latest. He's starting to really impress me as well. The election cycle is early but he is taking it to them!! I've lost respect for Rick Perry and others I thought of backing. They are merely Republican establishment stooges. Trump was right in what he said, and his critics can't say he was factually wrong, so now they are in full smear mode trying to destroy him, but it's having the opposite impact. He's getting more and more popular for fighting back and not grabbing his ankles like Romney and McCain did.
Since you mentioned the Redskins earlier Tyrone, look what liberals are complaining about now.
anonymous said "Since you mentioned the Redskins earlier Tyrone, look what liberals are complaining about now."
I read the story earlier today. I predicted something like this would happen. You can't give liberals bone, because they will then want the whole dang skeleton. Now that they have been embolden by the victories against the confederate flag, now they want to set their sights on newer targets to conquest even if the have nothing to do with racism or not. I never thought that the Saint's logo would have appeared on their seek and destroy radar but apparently so. It wouldn't surprise me that they also set their sight's on the name of Cleveland's football team "The Browns". When morons are given power, this is the end result unfortunately pure insane fascism on display.
Big Pop;"Is removing the flag going to improve anything for the black community? Is that going to stop the black-on-black crime rate? Is that going to prevent the out-of-wedlock birthrate in the black community? Will that improve the poor education and drop-out rate in urban cities? Will the black unemployment rate drop? Will we see black entrepreneurial skyrocket within inner cities because the flag has been removed? Will there be no more gang recruitment? Will the black prison population drop? ".
No, no, no, no, no and no! The flag is only a "SYMBOL." The confederate battle flag does not symbolize "black-on-black crime, out of wedlock birth, gang recruitment etc..." It symbolizes a war fought for secession, opposition to the abolition of slavery, and the more modern defiance of anti-segregation laws combined with racist intent.
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