The Cain train has been officially derailed. I was busy yesterday, so I didn't have time to comment on the "suspension" of Herman Cain's presidential bid.
I really don't know what to say about Cain's campaign to begin with. For how unorthodox it was, he actually had a shot at winning the nomination. As much as I talked about the left trying to lynch Cain based on him being a black conservative, Herman had more to do with him putting the noose around his own neck then liberals did, sad to say. Locality is a good trait to have, but something good loyality to a person can come back to hurt you in ways you would least expect it. Mark Block was Cain's campaign manager, and he was a good one at a certain level in the campaign, when Cain was back in the single digits a few months ago in the polls. Clearly Mark Block was way over his head when the allegations first broke. I remember his responses on Fox News with Geraldo when the news first broke. I had a face palm moment watching him. It wasn't really the allegations that had me sighing,
it was how Block and eventually Cain reacted to it. It was well known that Bill Clinton had affairs as Governor of Arkansas, but it didn't impact him in his run for president.
Clinton surrounded himself with the best political strategists in the business who could spin straw into gold if need be. Cain who talked about surrounding himself with the best minds if he was president did not have a top level crisis management team to advise him when the allegations became known. Conservatives gave Cain the benefit of the doubt for awhile thanks to the rightful distrust of the media and knowing how the Democratic operatives are known for creating false rumors about conservative and Republican candidates. The perfect example is the wild rumors and allegations that were created about Sarah Palin for well over three years. Eventhough Cain was still threading water, it was the last female Ginger White who ultimately derailed the Cain train. His supporters were ready to defend him like they have with all the other accusers, but Ginger's story was different. Her story wasn't about a one time encounter with Cain fifteen years ago, she alleged that she and Cain have had an ongoing affair for thirteen years. It wasn't until Cain admitted giving money to Ginger without his wife knowing about it that it was clear he was done as a candidate. It's ok to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this was the one instant that a story couldn't be dismissed as a left wing ploy to bring down a black conservative.
I hate to sound cruel in saying this, but the imploding of Herman Cain actually is a blessing for the Republican Party and conservatives overall. I'm glad that all of this stuff has come out now prior to the primaries. Can you imagine what would have happened if this all would have broke one month before the General Election if Cain won the nomination? It would have been an easy win for Obama hands down. Sometimes things work out in ways you least expect them to. It would have been great to have had a business person as President, but we never know what the future holds. It still may happen someday if our country is still around. The only person I wanted to run for president was Sarah Palin. I liked Cain, but I never endorsed him as my candidate, because my candidate after Palin was Rick Santorum. Maybe the Cain supporters will gravitate towards him. As I see it, he's the only true conservative in the race next to Michelle Bachmann. The lesson to in the Herman Cain saga is simple. You better make sure that if you have any dirty laundry in your past and is planing on running for president as a Republican, Quit before you run.