This is an act of a desperate Nancy Pelosi.
my what a difference a year makes indeed!
Ever heard of an intellectual free thinking lemming? Good luck in finding one. Blacks have wasted their political capital. The Democrat Party doesn't feel they have to work for the black vote, they EXPECT IT or else. There lies the problem with a racial group giving unfounded loyalty towards a political party that doesn't deserve it.
I remember hearing something along the lines that the federal government's $8,000 first time home credit was suppose to have stabilized and healed the housing market. When I first heard this idea pitched by the wizards of smart in Washington last year, I knew it was going to fail. Only the natural order of supply and demand can fix the housing market. Also, what good is the government giving money it doesn't have to people to buy houses when the banks are reluctant to lend money in the first place? Once again, the wizards of smart in Washington didn't think that far ahead obviously. Some news came out last week about the housing market that people should take away from it as a "teachable moment" as Obama once said. When the government interferes by trying to put a bandage on an open wound in the economy, the economy tends to go from bad to worse. I don't think anyone with common sense would ever try to catch a falling knife. The logical though would be to let the knife hit the ground and then pick it up. Don't tell that to Obama and company. The Japanese government tried for over twenty years to jump start their economy and still haven't figured it out. People who subscribe to the Keynesian Theory are only fooling themselves. Liberals actually believe that it was George Bush who was responsible for the end of the dot come era back in April of 2000. The dot com bubble bursted, because the market corrected itself and realized that the valuations of the dot com bubble companies were built on illusion and fluff. The same self correcting mechanism happened with the housing market in 2006. There is a reason why they called the housing market of the 2000's the "House Of Cards". It was just that. The housing valuations got way out of control and ultimately the market corrected itself. Keynesian's can't understand that. They truly believe that the government could have prevented the natural correction in the housing market. I came across this funny but really informative video explaining the two economic theories of John Maynard Keynes and F. A. Hayek, enjoy.
Ah Jon Stewart. Liberals can be funny in doing comedy, it is when they try mixing comedy and politics that they tend to bomb by making non sense. Liberals tend to live in their isolated bubble. Reality can never seem to reach these people. I've said on many occasions that liberals are obsessed with race. This is nothing new and unfortunately their obsession is going to go away anytime soon. The Dallas Tea Party did a great job exposing how phony Keith Olberman and the MSNBC klan are for bringing up the issue of race when it comes to conservatives. I remember the line Mike Myers delivered as Doctor Evil in the movie Austin Powers 3. He told his son in the movie "Scotty, you just don't get it do you? Well liberals "just don't get it". They are hopelessly stuck on mental. Jon Stewart commented on CPAC. He called it
This year's festival of whites
There is something disturbing about white liberals like Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Keith Olberman, Jeane Gerafalo, Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Andrea Mitchell and others. These people are liberals yes, but do they forget that they are "white" themselves? The DTP video showed how clueless and stupid white liberals are for constantly talking about conservatives who are white. Jon Stewart thought that saying that this year's CPAC was "This year's festival of whites" was funny, and I'm sure his drugged out, intellectually deprived audience thought what he said was indeed funny, but it wasn't funny. It was stupid. Just like I made reference to the lack of diversity that makes up MSNBC, take a scan of a typical Jon Stewart Comedy Central audience and what will you see? I would say Jon's audience is a "festival of whites". I would like to see the ratings breakdown of Jon's viewers. I beat hardly in "people of color" even watches his show or even know who he is. The same goes for the few viewers who still watch MSNBC. Maybe Jon Stewart should consider hiring a "studio audience diversity director". If he or she does a good job clearing out the sea of white faces that are in Jon Stewart's audience, then that person can go and help out MSNBC with their diversity problem. A diversity director position can be beneficial in two ways. First, it will help white liberal hypocrites stop being hypocrites when it comes to race. Second, this will help to create an actual private sector job, something Obama doesn't know how to do.
I freaking love this video!! It is so cleverly done. I give a high five to the Dallas Tea Party for putting this video together. Since the anchors and commentators over at MSNBC are so obsessed with their "perception" of a lack of racial diversity within the tea party movement, they never really sat down at their company meeting and looked around and noticed the "lack of diversity" within the MSNBC family. When Keith Olberman spewed on about "where is the diversity" within the tea party movement, I wish I could have dropped a mirror right in front of Olberman and asked him "where is the racial diversity at MSNBC and within the liberal media in general? The next time people like Olberman, Matthews, Mitchell and Shultz go on their typical Diarrhea of the mouth tirade about race, a big red neon sign should be placed directly over their heads that reads HYPOCRITES. The Dallas Tea Party video is right. There is more diversity within the tea party movement then there ever will be in the entire liberal media. I've always found it odd that the people who claim they want a color blind society are the ones who harp on race the most.
It isn't no secret that liberals are dependent on the use of the race card like addicts are dependent on drugs. Seeing that these people can't back up their arguments at face value, liberals need that little extra "something" in order to deflect their inabilities to defend their ideological shortcomings. Just a few weeks ago, a black liberal professor claimed that Sarah Palin used the word "professor" in her speech as a "thinly veiled" way of bring up Obama's race. Of course he could not prove that. Well today, the race card was put in check literally at the front door of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. This is the weekend for CPAC in Washington D.C. A piece of human slime by the name of Max Blumenthal of smeared James O’Keefe a few weeks ago as being a racist. Well the little smear merchant thought he was going to go to CPAC today and try and falsely smear more conservatives. Max's racial tall tale about O'Keefe caught up to him in an embarrassing way. Andrew Breitbart and Larry O'Conner confronted Max Blumenthal in the front lobby of Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. The exchange between the three was indeed a teachable moment. As I said before, liberals are great a falsely smearing people they don't like, but they can never back up their smears with facts once confronted.
I CAN CARE LESS!!! Since Jon & Kate went off the air last year, I guess people are missing their reality show train wrecks which are other people's lives. The only reason why I watched Tiger's statement today was, because "it was on all the channels". I really didn't have much of a choice. I find it laughable that the media is upset, because Tiger didn't answer any questions. If I recall right, the bond of marriage is between a man and his wife. I don't believe that Tiger & Elin are under no obligation to answer prying questions from the press. Since the media has no problem respecting the privacy of Barack and Michelle as a married couple, one would think that the media should use them as an example and give Tiger and his wife their privacy. People who were interviewed on the cable news shows were claiming that Tiger's speech sounded canned and it wasn't authentic. Even though Tiger apologized to everyone, I don't believe he had to do it. As a person, I wasn't offended by Tiger's actions. Frankly, I could care one way or the other. He knows the damage he has done, and he is taking the first steps to repairing the damage. I remember when Michael Vick was sentenced to prison for his dog fighting activities. After he served his sentence and lost everything because of his actions, there are still people that haven't learned to let go to this day. For what it is worth, the thirteen minute media event is now over. One would think that with our nation thirteen trillion dollars in debt and millions of people out of work, we would be focusing on more pressing issues then this reality soap opera.
The definition of a hypocrite is "a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives". I'm not going to beat around the bush, liberals have no credibility in what they say. These people who attack the intelligence of Sarah Palin while conveniently overlooking the intellectual gaffes of Barack Obama "should not be taken seriously. The latest fake outrage by the left is the "cardinal sin" of Sarah Palin having four bullet point references on her hand while she was giving her speech to the Tea Party convention. Of course the only people who cared anything about this were the kooks who hate Palin and that go out of their way to find something wrong in the first place. A few days ago during the National Prayer Breakfast, Barack Obama mispronounced the word "CORPSMAN" not ONCE but THREE times. Did the left attack Obama being the Commander In Chief and not even knowing how to properly pronounce the word "corpsman"? Of course not, they turned their heads as usual and pretended it didn't happen. Since Obama's loyal drones have such short memories, I decided that I'm going to become a historian on the intellectual missteps of Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama mispronouncing "Corpsman" three times at the National Prayer Breakfast. I know the Navy must feel proud as heck to have this guy as their Commander In Chief.
Lets take a trip further back in time to 2008 in New Mexico where Obama didn't know the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day. The shear "brilliance" of Obama is on full display in the first ten seconds of the video.
Here's another gem from the mind of the most "intellectual" president our country has ever know. I'm sure glad that Obama was able to tell Americans the differences between a "breathlayzer" and an "inhalator".
I would be re missed if I didn't include Obama showing proper respect to the foreign leader of "Tampa Florida" by bowing to the "Mayor"
In all fairness, maybe Obama picked up that annoying bowing habit by visiting the "57" states in travels back in 2008.
So when Obamatrons and their friends in the media want to make an issue out of Sarah Palin writing four bullet points on her hand as an issue about her intelligence, I have to shake my head and laugh at how transparently phony these people are. The old saying goes that a person with a glass house shouldn't throw stones. If the left had any common decency, they would address the intellectual shortcomings of their beloved Obama first before even uttering the word of Palin off of their tongues.
How can anyone with a sense of humor not like Sarah Palin? Sarah Palin is like a mix between Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham. Sarah has one of the sharpest wits in politics. During her speech at the tea party convention, Sarah wrote down six key points on her hand that she wanted to make sure she didn't forget while giving her speech. Unlike another person we all know, Sarah gave her speech without the aid of a teleprompter. Well anyways, the kooks over at the Huffington Post discovered Palin's "controversy" and decided to post it. It didn't take long for every liberal blog to report this as "news". It went as far as Andrea Mitchell showing the picture of the writing on Palin's palms during the NBC Nightly News. This is Andrea belly aching over Palin using her palms to write her notes.
Well Sarah fired back in typical Palin fashion. During her stump speech yesterday in Texas for Governor Rick Perry, Sarah wrote on her hands "HI MOM". She did this deliberately to tweak the left, and it worked like a charm.
The haters of Sarah Palin have come out twice and claimed that Sarah Palin is irrelevant and that her political career is over. The first time was after the election of Barack Obama, and the second time was after the Sarah Palin resigned as governor of Alaska. It would appear the the political class isn't exactly singing the left's tune on the demise of Sarah Palin just yet. Whenever people talk about the 2012 election, the name that still comes up is Sarah Palin. Some are saying this morning that Sarah's speach at the Tea Party Convention was her unofficial relaunch onto the national stage for a 2012 run for the Republican nomination for president. Sarah Palin holds no political office, yet her speech last night was carried by not only CSPAN but also CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. I seriously doubt that if any other person would have been the keynote speaker at the Tea Party convention the media would have covered it. Sarah's speech was about 40 minutes long. Her speech was like no other speech I've ever heard her give to date. Her speech was that of a presidential campaign attack speech against Obama. The Tea Party folks loved every second of it. Sarah received several standing ovations during her speech. From a time line stand point. the one year countdown to the Iowa Caucus is less then nine months from now. I flipped over to MSNBC after Sarah finished her speech just to watch the head of Ed Schultz explode. He was trying frantically to claim that Obama was doing everything Sarah said that needs to be done to fix the economy. It was extremely funny to watch. I really appreciated that Sarah recognized the birthday of Ronald Reagan, and she used Reagan throughout her speech. Sarah's keynote speech actually surpassed her Vice Presidential nominee acceptance speech. Time will tell what Sarah's "official" plans are, but I think most people know what Sarah is going to do and so does Sarah.
I never get tired of watching this. This is what happens when liberalism faces conservatism in a presidential election and in elections period. It loses very badly. Republicans would be very wise to follow the Reagan model on how to win elections. The historic proof can't be denied.
I almost didn't get a chance to comment on the birthday of the late great President Ronald Wilson Reagan. Here in Baltimore, we received over two and a half feet of snow. I've been busy all day shoveling. I wasn't going to let Reagan's birthday pass without me saying anything. Today would have been Ronald Reagan's 99th birthday. The 80's was one of the greatest decades in our country's history. I still remember the 80's with great fondness. Liberals called it the "decade of excess". Normal people called it the "decade of prosperity". I was an 8 years old student at Dallas F Nicholas Elementary School here in Baltimore at the time. My teacher gathered all of us together to watch a historic event. That event was the inauguration of Ronald Wilson Reagan as our 40th president. I never even heard of Ronald Reagan prior to his speech, but his speech was something I would remember to this day. Of course at 8 years old, I didn't know squat about politics. All I knew was that when Reagan was speaking, I became more intrigued with every word he spoke. I felt good about myself just by listening to a person I've never meet before. These days that person would be called a motivational speaker. Reagan was the ultimate motivational president. He inspired Americans to be all they can be, because they are Americans. When Reagan spoke, he made Americans feel proud to be Americans. Ronald Reagan was definitely a pro nationalist, because he believed very much in the support and love of this country. I remember when Bill Clinton said that "we must prepare for the day that we are no longer the world's superpower nation". Ronald Reagan would have never in his life uttered those words. People like Barack Obama are more then happy to tear down America in front of the world, Reagan was the ultimate ambassador in promoting the ideals and values that made America great. This is why President Reagan referred to America being a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere. Freedom loving people agreed with him as well.
It irritates me when I hear ungrateful people who were born in America trashes it. These people tend to be liberals by nature. To them, this country can do no right in their eyes. Even with that being said, these same people will never pack up their belongings and leave America. There are people from other countries that risk their lives in the "attempt" just to come to this country. That is why Reagan referred to America as a "shinning city upon a hill". Reagan was a leader by strength and not by appeasement. I still remember the slogan that became famous during his administration, "trust but verify". Reagan thank goodness wasn't no Neville Chamberlain or Jimmy Carter type of leader.
Hopefully in 2012, a person will step forth who shares the values of Ronald Reagan and will become the leader of our nation that we desperately need.