Wednesday, September 02, 2015

The black David Duke calls for the murder of whites

People know that I am not nor have I never been a fan of black churches. Many black churches seem to be heavy on the secular nonsense such as spewing from the pulpits about the secularism of social justice activism and are lite on the teaching of  Christianity itself. Black churches once upon a time was about teaching and upholding biblical doctrine, well that was then and this is now. I can't for the life of me understand how black churches who claim to represent Christ would ever invited a person like Louis Farrakhan to speak to their congregation. Louis Farrakhan who is the leader of the cult known as the Nation of Islam once said that Christianity is a gutter religion, yet black pastors invite this hate spewer to speak at their church. I can only imagine if a white pastor was to invite the likes of a David Duke or someone like him to address their congregation what the reaction would be and rightfully so, so why is it that blacks in the congregations where Farrakhan speaks denounce doesn't this black racists and his call for violence? Louis Farrakhan recently spoke at a Christian lite place known as Mt Zion Baptist, Mr Farrakhan had the people in the building in a frenzy spewing line after line of hate. Louis Farrakhan is really no different then the white supremacist mass murderer Dylan Roof, the only difference is that Dylan acted on his hatred of another race whereas Farrakhan wants other hapless fools to commits murders in the name of some grand cause for blacks.

What a godly man I know right?  With the on air execution of two white members of a local Virginia television station by an militant gay black person last week and the execution shooting of a white Texas Police officer days ago who was simply fueling his squad car, is the racist rhetoric of people like Farrakhan and others in the media the reason for the up tick of black on white  violence? Notice that the people like Farrakhan who advocate others killing for his wapred ideology  never do it themselves. They sit back and lets some other brainwashed fool throw away his or her life. Farrakhan spoke about needing ten thousands out of a million, why doesn't be lead by example and be one of those ten thousands. The answer is obvious to why he won't do his own bidding.


Anonymous Vincent said...

When a million Tutsi were killed in Africa where was Farrakahn?
As Boko Haram kills thousands now in Nigeria were is Farrakhan?
And the Federal Government is interceding. It's just seems they aren't finding anything of substance. In fact their involvement has caused more black lives, based on the increase of deaths in Baltimore.
Once again, the benefits of Farrakhan's leadership escapes me.

11:56 PM  
Blogger Renee said...

I hate any term with the word "black" in it especially one that is affiliated with an alleged "church"! As I mentioned before, even though many blacks self-identify as "Christians", they are anything but! Blacks have soled their souls to the devil and are willingly allowing themselves to be manipulated by him nearly every, passing day! They justify their fake, public outrage against white America as an excuse for their ilicit behavior! They accuse white people of deliberately targetting "innocent" black people for sport when it is they who are exhibitting some of the most devastating forms of violence against other blacks and whites since the Civil Rights Movement!

Since there are so few brave white American pundits out there who are willing to publilcy chastise the morally reckless behavior of many blacks, they will merely go on allowing thmselve to be mislead by the corrupt Democrat Party and Obama! Blacks have nothing to be angry about except their unrepentent behavior! For they are victims of their own sinful behavior and nothing else! Until they stop allowing themselves to be manipulated by vote-seeking politicians, especially those within the Democrat party, they will merely go on, roaming about the earth like tumble weeds!

12:58 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

As it is in politics, so followers of Christ must “Study” - to be approved of God (1). Many false prophets are in the world, which is why they must be “tried” or tested by scripture (2). Most people love the praise of men more than the praise of God (3). If the blind lead the blind, both fall in the ditch, said Jesus (4). Margaret Sanger, founder of abortion spreading Planned Parenthood, knew she could take advantage of the gullibility and egotism of ministers that are black to sway their congregants (sectarian tools, not true worshipers). “In a letter to Clarence Gable in 1939, Sanger wrote: ‘We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.’ (Margaret Sanger commenting on the ‘Negro Project’ in a letter to Gamble, Dec. 10, 1939).” (5)
Jesus said “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (6). Demagogue false teachers take advantage of people's ignorant minds and instead appeal to their feelings and grudges (7). Can't go by what “seems” OK. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (8). “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (9).

Scriptures / references: (1) 2 Tim. 2:15. (2) 1 John4:1. (3) John 12:43. (4) John 15:13. (5) (6) Matt. 7:15. (7) 2 Pet. 2:1-3ff. (8) Prov. 14:12. (9) Rom. 8:6.

Christ: “Seek and ye shall find...” (Matt. 7:7). “The churches of Christ salute you” (Romans 16:16-18).

8:44 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Now I'll add some "context" and not bow to right-wing (or left-wing) spin. First off, Farrakhan refers to how Dylann Roof was given a "hamburger" from a fast food restaurant because Roof told the arresting police department that had not eaten in two days. That alone should add context to the rest of Farrakhan's rhetoric. Next he speaks of how "he believes" that white folks find joy in blacks killing other blacks. He goes on to claim that the federal government is not protecting blacks from what "he perceives" as an epidemic and continual white violence against blacks. In his typical manner, Farrakhan incites fear in those who despise him by throwing out fiery rhetoric; "then we must rise up and kill those who kill us".

Mind you, I'm not condoning any of Farrakhan's rhetoric. However, this is what he has done for the last 40 years or so. Simply put, it's nothing new. Just as David Duke's, the Aryan Nation and other white nationalists groups, the rhetoric is not new. What's new is that the first time in history the country has a black president.

After President Obama was elected there was a widely promoted idea that somehow people like Farrakhan, the Black Panther Party and other radical black groups would "magically" disappear. For the most part the idea was being "mockingly promoted" by white conservatives. Yet, any person with a good grasp of history and race in this country would know that the election of the first black president would not be a cure-all for race relations.

The irony is that, people who bought into that idea, and where already leery about having a black president, could now be told that anything Obama said or done was racist. Case in point; President Obama saying that a police officer acted "stupidly" after arresting Prof. Gates in his own house. Whereas, when George H.W. Bush stated that he was "stunned" and vehemently disagreed with the acquittal of the officers who beat Rodney King.

Two presidents, one white, one black. Two situations involving police actions with black men. A white president who clearly believed that police officers should have been found guilty in a court of law. A black president who calls a police officer stupid. Yet, G.H.W. Bush wasn't called a racist by the conservative right... why not?

8:42 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

renee; "As I mentioned before, even though many blacks self-identify as "Christians", they are anything but!".

I completely agree renee! Blacks have diluted and bastardized Christianity. However, there is a reason why that has happened. The advent of the "Black Church" is the direct result of racial segregation, which was the law of the land when the Black Church was created. Clergy men like Absalom Jones and Richard Allen (Allen- no relation that I know of) formed the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Free African Society. As a result of the racism and segregation, blacks developed our own interpretations of scriptures, particular practices as it related to blacks, created our own hymns, gospel songs, and spirituals. Today, two-hundred plus years later, we have the Black Church as what it is today. Blacks really aren't Christians, because Christianity is not a religion for blacks.

When you take two different groups of people, divided them up and give them one idea, you're assured that both groups will come up with two entirely different interpretations. Its just part of human nature.

11:42 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Vincent said "
When a million Tutsi were killed in Africa where was Farrakahn?
As Boko Haram kills thousands now in Nigeria were is Farrakhan?
And the Federal Government is interceding. It's just seems they aren't finding anything of substance. In fact their involvement has caused more black lives, based on the increase of deaths in Baltimore.
Once again, the benefits of Farrakhan's leadership escapes me."

Farrakahn is no different then all the other black race agitators in this country. In the end, Louis is out for himself. Louis will never speak out when blacks in America or African blacks are killed, because the likely colporate is black. Race is like a string connecting the racial agitator(the puppeteer) to his or her puppet (people easily strung along based on race) When blacks are killed by other blacks, the racial agitators are nowhere to be found, simply because they know that they can't use a black person's death at the hands of another black person to gin up other blacks to react the way they want.

renee xuereb said...
"I hate any term with the word "black" in it especially one that is affiliated with an alleged "church"! As I mentioned before, even though many blacks self-identify as "Christians", they are anything but! Blacks have soled their souls to the devil and are willingly allowing themselves to be manipulated by him nearly every, passing day! They justify their fake, public outrage against white America as an excuse for their ilicit behavior! They accuse white people of deliberately targetting "innocent" black people for sport when it is they who are exhibitting some of the most devastating forms of violence against other blacks and whites since the Civil Rights Movement!"

Most but no all black churches are cults. I've always found it interesting how so call black pastors who claim to represent the word of god yet would align themselves with politicians who support every ungodly aspect possible. Black Christianity for awhile now has been about politics foaming their religion more so then the other way around. I've interacted with many blacks who claim they are Christians yet act like the children of the devil. I just laugh at them, because they are only fooling themselves.

Indigo said "(2). Most people love the praise of men more than the praise of God"

Like how cultist liberals prayed to Obama to pass universal healthcare. Liberals truly believe man is the true authority.

12:03 AM  

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