Trusting the Clintons is like trusting a snake that has teeth that it won't bite you. You do so at your own risk. Obama's true believers believe Barry is the smartest person ever to become president. Of course, that should be taken at face value then laughed at. If I was running for president, I wouldn't be stupid enough to pick someone I knew who hated me and make him or her my Secretary of State. Well, that is of course what Barry did. Now it looks like that decision has come back to hunt him. Just as liberals claimed that Saddam Hussein was isolated and wasn't a threat in Iraq, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya prior to three weeks ago was the same situation. It wasn't until these so called rebels in Libya started protesting against Gaddafi that he started acting out against them. Hillary Clinton stressed the point that Gaddafi was killing his own people, and that he needed to be removed. Actually to Obama's credit, he wasn't concerned with removing Gaddafi at that time. He had to have known that any use of military action by him to try and remove Gaddafi would make him look like the biggest hypocrite around for his then blasting of former president Bush over the use of the military in Iraq. Somehow Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and the Office of Multilateral and Human Rights Director Samantha Power convinced Barry to take the lead in enforcing a "no fly zone" over Libya.
There's a difference between taking advice on doing something and being pressured into doing something. Obama clearly was pressured into launching air strikes. So much for the Commander In Chief having a spine of steel. Because of his actions in Libya, Obama may have caused himself irreversible damage next year in his re election bid. He's lost the majority support of independent voters, but now he has lost a certain percentage of his die hard core kook supporters as well. I still have to wonder did Hillary set this up. Hillary came out last week and said that she wouldn't be serving a second term as Secretary of State. I know she isn't planning on challenging Obama next year, but who knows what she is thinking about possibly 2016. Prior to the situation in Libya, Obama's foreign policy could be described as pathetic. Now, it can definitely be described as weak to clueless. Hillary has painted Obama into such a corner, there aren't enough words on Obama's teleprompter that can correct the situation for him. He was so concerned with getting the UN's approval for the air strikes, he didn't even bother briefing congress on what he was planning. That has gotten members of both parties ticked off at him. This is what Democratic Congressman Dennis "The Red Menace" Kucinich of Ohio had to say.
Dennis of course stopped short of calling for Obama's impeachment, surprise, surprise. As I said, a lot of the true believers are very upset over the air strikes. The best person to speak out against Obama actions in Libya should be "himself".
Even if Obama is able to sucker NATO, the French or Great Britan into taking the lead in this "operation".
The ultimate outcome could lead to one of if not the biggest foreign policy misjudgments in a century, even surpassing Carter and Iran. When the riots first started in Egypt, progressives didn't really ask themselves the question of "who really are the protesters"? All they cared about was that they were against Mubarak, so they had to be just seeking freedom. There are stories coming out that are showing that Islamic hardliners had a role in the organization of the protests. With Libya, there are growing concerns that Al Qaida is embedded to an unknown degree into the rebel movement if not in charge of the movement fighting against Gaddafi forces. So lets say that the rebels defeat Gaddafi, and it turns out that Al Qaida was behind the rebel movement.
Obama would be responsible for the Islamic terrorist organization gaining a stronghold in an oil producing country bordering Saudi Arabia.
Al Qaida has come out in support of the rebels. Gaddafi isn't a Muslim extremist. Yes, he is a kook but not a Muslim fanatic one. Al Qaida didn't dare try and face off against Gaddafi out in the open, because support would be on the side of Gaddafi due to the people seeing
Al Queda as being the bigger threat then Gaddafi ever could be. So Al Qaida decides to use the Trojan horse approach of dressing themselves up as Libyan rebels who only are looking for" freedom" from the oppressive rule of Gaddafi. The old saying goes that sometimes the cure can cause more pain and suffering to a person then the actual illness. Way to go Barry. I said Obama was the second term of Carter for a reason.