I wrote back in May when Herman Cain announced his candidacy that the racially attacks by the left were sure to follow. I was proven right over the last few months leading up to the latest example. Out of the Republican field of ten candidates running for the GOP nomination, why is it that progressives seem so fixated on attacking Herman Cain based on his race? They aren't really concerned about his politics. Oh wait, they are concerned about his politics. It's not because Herman Cain's views are any different for the most part from most of the GOP field. The problem progressives like Jeane Garofalo have is that they believe
Herman Cain has the wrong skin color to have them. So much for blacks being able to have freedom of choice in this country. Last week, the washed comedian, failed actress and radio talk show host was a guest on Keith Oblerman's show on the Current cable channel. Current is Al Gore's little project, and I do mean little. It actually has fewer viewers then MSNBC. The progressive princess of skank made a deranged claim that Herman Cain is a
"paid token" in the GOP race.
Herman has a touch of Stockholm Syndrome? I guess she believes that Herman Cain has a touch of Stockholm Syndrome simply, because he's not kissing her progressive or any progressive's ass. The woman is obviously meanly ill as a lot of progressives tend to be. Herman Cain is already a successful and rich person in his own right, and
it just goes to show how progressives think about blacks and other minorities who don't subscribe to their way of thinking. It doesn't matter to Jeane Gerafalo what Herman Cain has accomplished in his academic and business background. That's irrelevant to her. All she knows is that Herman Cain like Michael Steele and others like them are
"BAD NEGROS" who don't know their role. Speaking of Michael Steele, Jeane originally used her Stockholm Syndrome smear in addressing him back in 2009, when Micheal was first confirmed as the Republican National Committee Chairman.
Think of the irony in all of this. This is the same sad excuse of a human being who calls the Tea Party folks racists? Jeane needs to be surrounded by a four way mirror so that she can come face to face with who the real racist is. As she said
Michael Steele and other black Republicans are self loathers with "Stockholm Syndrome" and "He tries to curry favor with the oppressor".
To people like Garofalo, black people are self loathing if they aren't monolithic in their thinking in showing undying loyalty and support towards people who think like her. In other words,
progressives really only claim to care about minorities as long as the minorities know their role in who they support. I've always wanted to debate that kook just for the shear hell of it. I would bury her in her own ignorance and then jump on her grave for good measure. . Maybe Jeane can get treatment from Dr. Zo for her severe case of PRD "Progressive Racism Disorder".
Can anyone imagine what the response would have been if a well known white conservative would have said that Barack Obama was a paid token in the 2008 Democratic Primaries or Carol Mosley Brown was one in the 2004 Democratic Primaries?