The affirmitve action appointee to Obama's Senate seat has been selected.

Today Governor Rod Blagojevich's appointed Roland Burris to fill Barack Obama's U.S Senate. Mr. Burris is 71 and was the former Secretary of State for the state of Illinois. Mr. Burris is also an American of African Descent. I guess the black clergy that made a stink about about "Obama's Senate seat being stolen" can rest a little easy now or maybe not. The leader of the U.S Senate Harry Reid said a few weeks ago when the Blago scandal became national news that he would not confirm any appointment for Obama's seat made by Blagojevich. So now enter congressman Bobby Rush also from Illinois who is also black and was a former member of the "Black Panthers". He also beat Obama in a 1990 congressional race. Bobby Rush said to the media not to "HANG or LYNCH" Burris, despite the bizarre circumstances of his appointment. Got to love liberals and their race coded language don't you? Don't "hang" or "lynch" Burris? This type of race code language is nothing new among liberals. Go back to 2004, Congressman William Lacy Clay of Missouri who is black said during the Federal Housing Enterprise Subcommittee hearings into the problems facing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, "this hearing is about the political "LYNCHING" of Franklin Raines". I don't want to go off topic, but I want to illustrate one more example of race coded rhetoric by liberal Democrats. During the holiday of Dr. Martin Luther King in 2006 when the Republicans controlled congress, Hillary Clinton spoke at Canaan Baptist Church of Christ in Harlem. She told the congregation "The house is run like a "PLANTATION", You all know what I mean". This is what liberals do best. They use these types of words to stir up the racial pot in order to get what they want and to get a certain response from the people they say it to. Is it truly no wonder why I have such angst towards most liberals? People like Bobby Rush, William Clay, Charles Rangel and other liberals both black and white are just too pathetic for words to give them justice. Anyways Bobby Rush drew his racial line in the sand and dared Harry Reid not to cross it. As it looks right now Bobby's racial rhetoric isn't going to be able to help Roland Burris. I can't believe how foolish Bobby Rush is. Did he think by challenging Senator Reid, Reid was going to appoint Burris? Just two years ago, Democrats launched the talking point catch phrase against Republicans "the culture of corruption". If Reid confirmed any appointment for Obama's seat by a corrupt embattled Governor, how could Democrats in congress every criticize anyone on the issue of corruption ever again? I hope Rush isn't also naive enough to think he can get help from the Congressional Black Caucus to put pressure on Reid to change his mind, because that strategy would be doomed from the start. Rush wants to talk about their not being a black U.S Senator. This goes right back to the heart of Affirmative Action. I'm not a member of the Barack Obama kool aid drinking cult club. Obama beat an ultra weak candidate in Allen Keyes. Regardless of the outcome, Obama won the U.S Senate seat fair and square. By him winning it, it also means that he "earned it". Giving Obama's Senate seat to Roland Burris based on race is a slap in the face of qualified people in general. I'm not saying that Mr. Burris isn't qualified, he just may be. I strongly believe that his race should not be a factor pro or con on his nomination for it.