Meet the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee.

It looks like Michael Steele finally got what he was after. Today Steele was elected the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee. I have mixed feelings about the elevation of Steele to the top position of running the Republican Party. I originally backed Ken Blackwell for the top position, because Ken is a staunch conservative and was backed by most well known social and fiscal conservative groups in the country. I voted for Steele two years ago when he ran against Ben Cardin for the U.S Senate here in Maryland. It was during that senate race that I discovered how vicious and racially vile liberals try are. I wonder if Republicans were to write down every racist comment liberals posted about about Steele and then redirected them at Obama, I wonder how long liberals would take before labeling their own statements as "racist"?lol I've seen the "compassionate" comments liberals have been making about Steele since his acceptance speech earlier today. It was to be expected. Steele might not be the rock hard conservative I wanted as an RNC Chairman, but I will support him the best I can as a conservative first and Republican second. Michael is going to have a lot on his plate dealing withe the intolerant and closed minded left while also rebuilding the Republican brand post during the post George Bush era. More then likely I will have a chance to talk to Michael tomorrow to congratulate him. I believe Steele will be the shot in the arm the Republican Party needs right now. Michael is a very articulate communicator, and doesn't need a teleprompter like some other guy I know. If he stirs the party back to the right, Republicans will regain power very quickly. If he does the opposite, he will fail. It's really that simple. Michael Steele should fit in nicely as the RNC Chairman. In Maryland he was the chairman of the Maryland Republican Party. So he already has the experience to hit the ground running from day one. I wish I knew how kooky liberals believe that the election of Steele is some how trying to copy Obama. Oh well, I guess I will go back to trying to figure out how to make 2+2=76. Liberals logic, got to mock it. Congrats to Chairman Steele. To those that want to obstruct, GET READY TO GET KNOCKED OVER!!! I LOVE IT!!