Justice is served and a "dream" lives on.

The ruling yesterday by the Supreme Court in favor of the white New Haven firefighters represents a great day for Civil Rights in America. I can't wrap my mind around how liberals think on the aspects of "equal justice" in America. What they view as "equality" is anything but "equality". In reality, their concept of equality is to discriminate against one group "whites" in favor of another "non whites". It is in essence "robbing from Peter in order to pay Paul". At the end of the day, someone still got robbed. The people that were robbed in the New Haven fire fighter's exam were white firefighters and one Hispanic firefighter. Yesterday in a five to four ruling, The Supreme Court ruled that the City of New Haven Connecticut was wrong in denying the promotion of white firefighters that scored higher then other black firefighters on the promotional exam. Liberals do not see non whites as "equals" in society, especially white liberals. They see blacks and Hispanics as nothing more then "oppressed victims" that some how can't do for themselves without their help. This is the sole purpose why liberal activists "dumb down" tests to begin with. They want to achieve an "equal outcome" by "lowering the bar". I guess in their delusion of good intentions, they can't see that their actions are actually hurting blacks and Hispanics more so then helping them. When the City of New Haven originally threw out the promotion exam because blacks didn't score high enough, that demonstrated what the officials in New Haven thought about the black firefighters in the first place. From a liberal's perspective, they blame the test for being "racist" or "geared towards whites". Normal people would just say that the black firefighters need to "STUDY HARDER SO THEY CAN GET A HIGHER SCORE ON THE NEXT EXAM", Sorry for yelling, but I wanted to make a contrasting point between the two mindsets. If liberals truly believed in the potential of blacks and Hispanics as "individuals" regardless of their race and economic backgrounds, they would be telling them to study harder and apply themselves, but they don't do that. The white firefighters in the New Haven case played by the rules, and they rightfully deserve their promotions. This is a great day for those that still believe that a person should be "judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin".
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